From:Baker & McKenz1e To:0130013563B


02/03/2015 09:17 #140 P.005/005

lf 1hcn: art' a numlll.'r ul suhslaJ'I!Jal sharelwldas wi1h smJilar llr rcluu:d n:le·ant intcrc!>IS (cg. a corpmalion and 1!s rdatc t h e m llil cr and lru lt:c of an cqulty tru tl. t hl' narncs cnuld be includcJ in an annclf.wthrce 1re0lc1h·eafntilrimn!tTC'SIS of a gmup of pcT!-1111'i an: cs cntHIJI •milar. thC mabe rcfì=rrcd to lhroughoulthc f(lntl aa specificai!nnmcd group 1fthe m nlbctshir o \ 1th thc nan1cs anJ adlùlfn:m::m:b-ser;.!>15. ch:arly sct out in paragr 11h 6 of l hfonn cc: thc (,1:linition of Mas!IOCiatt:in St'ctkm Q of lhe t"oi'p'.Jration:,. Acl 2001 r:t ch t: dcflnJili1of"n rck' ltll intele!>t'' in scc!Ìt1n(10Hod (171 8(7) nf lhrt ("orporations Acl 2001 l hc olmg hares tJf a t.:mpany çonsiJIUIC' onc class unlcss di·Jdcd mto eparate cl ses l hl' pers11n's ll!CS di' id cd hlhc ttllal wotcs in thc hodCtll"pOtale or schcme multiplied by 100 Jndudc dcaJis of anrclt"vam agrccmcnT m o1her cin;umstances bwhich thc change in rdcvanl imcnlf: s1ubo:coceucrlricodn ()7 l 1314) npplicany documcnt sr-llmg out the lem1s of any rek:·ant agrecmclll. : nd a statcmcm by thc perso and aci.:uratc dctails of ancontract. schenn: or ammgcment. must accompany th1s fom1. to cther with a wnucn C :r11fying this contraci. schemc or arrang.emcnt. and (01 an} t.JIIahlicatinn of tht ('lo\t"r of a pcrson 10 C!ercisco,r.coorlliinmlliutehnt:ccctihcerecxiserciof. lhe OUng powers 11r di posal of thc scçuruies tu wiHch thc rclnant mtcrcst relates (indicating clcarly thc pani ::ular S(CUrllies lo w qual ifiCation npplicsJ cc tlll' deflnition l)f"rdtvant e:lCio('lnrporutions tct2001. lktails of the considcnnion must include an}· andali bcndits. monc) and other. that an}' J>erson from wh(lm a. rdevant lnter ha. nr rnay. hccome enlitlcd 10 rc: ::tÌ'C m rellmon to that acqDuctiasiiltsinmn ul be included even ir lhc bcnc:lìt 1s condilional on tllc huppcntng or not of a .:omiDncgteanilcs musi be included or W1) henc:tìt paid on hchalf of the substamial holdc:r or ils asso rdiiiÌllll lo the acquisition. vcn 1f thcare noi paid dirceli} lo the pe:rsun from whom thc relevant intcrel was acquired. lf th.: suh lanti;l htlldcr is unahh: to dewrmine thc Jdenlilof the pcrson (eg. il' the rele"ant intcrest ariscs becausc of a

··un llllt11"

" (in c dctatls. if appropriate. ùf thc prescm a.c;sociation and any change intllat association 5incc the last suhslantial holding n

From:Baker & McKenz1e To:0130013563B


02/03/2015 09:17 #140 P.005/005

lf 1hcn: art' a numlll.'r ul suhslaJ'I!Jal sharelwldas wi1h smJilar llr rcluu:d n:le·ant intcrc!>IS (cg. a corpmalion and 1!s rdatc:d COTJWfalions. or
t h e m llil cr and lru lt:c of an cqulty tru tl. t hl' narncs cnuld be includcJ in an annc.wre 10 1he filrm lf thc relc·ant in!tTC'SIS of a gmup of pcT!-1111'i an: cs cntHIJI •milar. thC mabe rcfì=rrcd to lhroughoulthc f(lntl aa specificai!nnmcd group 1fthe m nlbctshir of c:ach roup.
\ 1th thc nan1cs anJ adùn::::-s ;!>llf m mber. 15. ch:arly sct out in paragr 11h 6 of l hfonn
cc: thc (,1:linition of Mas!IOCiatt:in St'ctkm Q of lhe t "oi'p'.Jration:,. Acl 2001
r:c t h t: dcflnJiion l1f "rck' ltll intele!>t'' in scc!Ìt1n(10Hod (171 8(7) nf lhrt ("orporations Acl 2001
l hc olmg hares tJf a t.:mpany çonsiJIUIC' onc class unlcss di·Jdcd mto e parate cl ses
l hl' pers11n's ll!CS di' id cd hlhc ttllal wotcs in thc hodCtll"pOtale or schcme multiplied by 100
Jndudc dcaJis of
anrclt"vam agrccmcnT m o1her cin;umstances bwhich thc change in rdcvanl imcn:s1 occurrcd lf sub:oeclion ()7 l 1314) npplicany documcnt sr-llmg out the lem1s of any rek:·ant agrecmclll. : nd a statcmcm by thc person ginng full and aci.:uratc dctails of ancontract. schenn: or ammgcment. must accompany th1s fom1. to cther with a wnucn :)latcment

C :r11fying this contraci. schemc or arrang.emcnt. and

(01 an} t.JIIahlicatinn of tht ('lo\t"r of a pcrson 10 C!ercisc, collimi tht: ciercise or. or inlluencc thc exerciof. lhe OUng powers
11r di posal of thc scçuruies tu wiHch thc rclnant mtcrcst relates (indicating clcarly thc pani ::ular S(CUrllies lo which !Ile
qual ifiCation npplicsJ
cc tlll' deflnition l)f"rdtvant agreenu:nlin s.: :lion Q ofthe C('lrporutions tct2001.
lktails of the considcnnion must include an}· andali bcndits. monc) and other. that an}' J>erson from wh(lm a. rdevant lnterest was acquired ha. nr rnay. hccome enlitlcd 10 rc: ::tÌ'C m rellmon to that acquisitinn Dctails mul be included even ir lhc bcnc:lìt 1s condilional on tllc huppcntng or not of a .:omingenc Dctails musi be included or W1) henc:tìt paid on hchalf of the substamial holdc:r or ils associate in rdiiiÌllll lo the acquisition. vcn 1f thcare noi paid dirceli} lo the pe:rsun from whom thc relevant intcrel was acquired.
lf th.: suh lanti;l htlldcr is unahh: to dewrmine thc Jdenlilof the pcrson (eg. il' the rele"ant intcrest ariscs becausc of an option) write

··un llllt11"

" (in c dctatls. if appropriate. ùf thc prescm a.c;sociation and any change intllat association 5incc the last suhslantial holding notic

From:Baker & McKenz1e To:0130013563B


02/03/2015 09:17 #140 P.005/005

lf 1hcn: art' a numlll.'r ul suhslaJ'I!Jal sharelwldas wi1h smJilar llr rcluu:d n:le·ant intcrc!>IS (cg. a corpmalion and 1!s rdatc:d COTJWfalions. or
t h e m llil cr and lru lt:c of an cqulty tru tl. t hl' narncs cnuld be includcJ in an annc.wre 10 1he filrm lf thc relc·ant in!tTC'SIS of a gmup of pcT!-1111'i an: cs cntHIJI •milar. thC mabe rcfì=rrcd to lhroughoulthc f(lntl aa specificai!nnmcd group 1fthe m nlbctshir of c:ach roup.
\ 1th thc nan1cs anJ adùn::::-s ;!>llf m mber. 15. ch:arly sct out in paragr 11h 6 of l hfonn
cc: thc (,1:linition of Mas!IOCiatt:in St'ctkm Q of lhe t "oi'p'.Jration:,. Acl 2001
r:c t h t: dcflnJiion l1f "rck' ltll intele!>t'' in scc!Ìt1n(10Hod (171 8(7) nf lhrt ("orporations Acl 2001
l hc olmg hares tJf a t.:mpany çonsiJIUIC' onc class unlcss di·Jdcd mto e parate cl ses
l hl' pers11n's ll!CS di' id cd hlhc ttllal wotcs in thc hodCtll"pOtale or schcme multiplied by 100
Jndudc dcaJis of
anrclt"vam agrccmcnT m o1her cin;umstances bwhich thc change in rdcvanl imcn:s1 occurrcd lf sub:oeclion ()7 l 1314) npplicany documcnt sr-llmg out the lem1s of any rek:·ant agrecmclll. : nd a statcmcm by thc person ginng full and aci.:uratc dctails of ancontract. schenn: or ammgcment. must accompany th1s fom1. to cther with a wnucn :)latcment

C :r11fying this contraci. schemc or arrang.emcnt. and

(01 an} t.JIIahlicatinn of tht ('lo\t"r of a pcrson 10 C!ercisc, collimi tht: ciercise or. or inlluencc thc exerciof. lhe OUng powers
11r di posal of thc scçuruies tu wiHch thc rclnant mtcrcst relates (indicating clcarly thc pani ::ular S(CUrllies lo which !Ile
qual ifiCation npplicsJ
cc tlll' deflnition l)f"rdtvant agreenu:nlin s.: :lion Q ofthe C('lrporutions tct2001.
lktails of the considcnnion must include an}· andali bcndits. monc) and other. that an}' J>erson from wh(lm a. rdevant lnterest was acquired ha. nr rnay. hccome enlitlcd 10 rc: ::tÌ'C m rellmon to that acquisitinn Dctails mul be included even ir lhc bcnc:lìt 1s condilional on tllc huppcntng or not of a .:omingenc Dctails musi be included or W1) henc:tìt paid on hchalf of the substamial holdc:r or ils associate in rdiiiÌllll lo the acquisition. vcn 1f thcare noi paid dirceli} lo the pe:rsun from whom thc relevant intcrel was acquired.
lf th.: suh lanti;l htlldcr is unahh: to dewrmine thc Jdenlilof the pcrson (eg. il' the rele"ant intcrest ariscs becausc of an option) write

··un llllt11"

" (in c dctatls. if appropriate. ùf thc prescm a.c;sociation and any change intllat association 5incc the last suhslantial holding notic

From:Baker & McKenz1e To:0130013563B


02/03/2015 09:17 #140 P.005/005

lf 1hcn: art' a numlll.'r ul suhslaJ'I!Jal sharelwldas wi1h smJilar llr rcluu:d n:le·ant intcrc!>IS (cg. a corpmalion and 1!s rdatc t h e m llil cr and lru lt:c of an cqulty tru tl. t hl' narncs cnuld be includcJ in an annclf.wthrce 1re0lc1h·eafntilrimn!tTC'SIS of a gmup of pcT!-1111'i an: cs cntHIJI •milar. thC mabe rcfì=rrcd to lhroughoulthc f(lntl aa specificai!nnmcd group 1fthe m nlbctshir o \ 1th thc nan1cs anJ adlùlfn:m::m:b-ser;.!>15. ch:arly sct out in paragr 11h 6 of l hfonn cc: thc (,1:linition of Mas!IOCiatt:in St'ctkm Q of lhe t"oi'p'.Jration:,. Acl 2001 r:t ch t: dcflnJili1of"n rck' ltll intele!>t'' in scc!Ìt1n(10Hod (171 8(7) nf lhrt ("orporations Acl 2001 l hc olmg hares tJf a t.:mpany çonsiJIUIC' onc class unlcss di·Jdcd mto eparate cl ses l hl' pers11n's ll!CS di' id cd hlhc ttllal wotcs in thc hodCtll"pOtale or schcme multiplied by 100 Jndudc dcaJis of anrclt"vam agrccmcnT m o1her cin;umstances bwhich thc change in rdcvanl imcnlf: s1ubo:coceucrlricodn ()7 l 1314) npplicany documcnt sr-llmg out the lem1s of any rek:·ant agrecmclll. : nd a statcmcm by thc perso and aci.:uratc dctails of ancontract. schenn: or ammgcment. must accompany th1s fom1. to cther with a wnucn C :r11fying this contraci. schemc or arrang.emcnt. and (01 an} t.JIIahlicatinn of tht ('lo\t"r of a pcrson 10 C!ercisco,r.coorlliinmlliutehnt:ccctihcerecxiserciof. lhe OUng powers 11r di posal of thc scçuruies tu wiHch thc rclnant mtcrcst relates (indicating clcarly thc pani ::ular S(CUrllies lo w qual ifiCation npplicsJ cc tlll' deflnition l)f"rdtvant e:lCio('lnrporutions tct2001. lktails of the considcnnion must include an}· andali bcndits. monc) and other. that an}' J>erson from wh(lm a. rdevant lnter ha. nr rnay. hccome enlitlcd 10 rc: ::tÌ'C m rellmon to that acqDuctiasiiltsinmn ul be included even ir lhc bcnc:lìt 1s condilional on tllc huppcntng or not of a .:omiDncgteanilcs musi be included or W1) henc:tìt paid on hchalf of the substamial holdc:r or ils asso rdiiiÌllll lo the acquisition. vcn 1f thcare noi paid dirceli} lo the pe:rsun from whom thc relevant intcrel was acquired. lf th.: suh lanti;l htlldcr is unahh: to dewrmine thc Jdenlilof the pcrson (eg. il' the rele"ant intcrest ariscs becausc of a

··un llllt11"

" (in c dctatls. if appropriate. ùf thc prescm a.c;sociation and any change intllat association 5incc the last suhslantial holding n

From:Baker & McKenz1e To:0130013563B


02/03/2015 09:17 #140 P.005/005

lf 1hcn: art' a numlll.'r ul suhslaJ'I!Jal sharelwldas wi1h smJilar llr rcluu:d n:le·ant intcrc!>IS (cg. a corpmalion and 1!s rdatc:d COTJWfalions. or
t h e m llil cr and lru lt:c of an cqulty tru tl. t hl' narncs cnuld be includcJ in an annc.wre 10 1he filrm lf thc relc·ant in!tTC'SIS of a gmup of pcT!-1111'i an: cs cntHIJI •milar. thC mabe rcfì=rrcd to lhroughoulthc f(lntl aa specificai!nnmcd group 1fthe m nlbctshir of c:ach roup.
\ 1th thc nan1cs anJ adùn::::-s ;!>llf m mber. 15. ch:arly sct out in paragr 11h 6 of l hfonn
cc: thc (,1:linition of Mas!IOCiatt:in St'ctkm Q of lhe t "oi'p'.Jration:,. Acl 2001
r:c t h t: dcflnJiion l1f "rck' ltll intele!>t'' in scc!Ìt1n(10Hod (171 8(7) nf lhrt ("orporations Acl 2001
l hc olmg hares tJf a t.:mpany çonsiJIUIC' onc class unlcss di·Jdcd mto e parate cl ses
l hl' pers11n's ll!CS di' id cd hlhc ttllal wotcs in thc hodCtll"pOtale or schcme multiplied by 100
Jndudc dcaJis of
anrclt"vam agrccmcnT m o1her cin;umstances bwhich thc change in rdcvanl imcn:s1 occurrcd lf sub:oeclion ()7 l 1314) npplicany documcnt sr-llmg out the lem1s of any rek:·ant agrecmclll. : nd a statcmcm by thc person ginng full and aci.:uratc dctails of ancontract. schenn: or ammgcment. must accompany th1s fom1. to cther with a wnucn :)latcment

C :r11fying this contraci. schemc or arrang.emcnt. and

(01 an} t.JIIahlicatinn of tht ('lo\t"r of a pcrson 10 C!ercisc, collimi tht: ciercise or. or inlluencc thc exerciof. lhe OUng powers
11r di posal of thc scçuruies tu wiHch thc rclnant mtcrcst relates (indicating clcarly thc pani ::ular S(CUrllies lo which !Ile
qual ifiCation npplicsJ
cc tlll' deflnition l)f"rdtvant agreenu:nlin s.: :lion Q ofthe C('lrporutions tct2001.
lktails of the considcnnion must include an}· andali bcndits. monc) and other. that an}' J>erson from wh(lm a. rdevant lnterest was acquired ha. nr rnay. hccome enlitlcd 10 rc: ::tÌ'C m rellmon to that acquisitinn Dctails mul be included even ir lhc bcnc:lìt 1s condilional on tllc huppcntng or not of a .:omingenc Dctails musi be included or W1) henc:tìt paid on hchalf of the substamial holdc:r or ils associate in rdiiiÌllll lo the acquisition. vcn 1f thcare noi paid dirceli} lo the pe:rsun from whom thc relevant intcrel was acquired.
lf th.: suh lanti;l htlldcr is unahh: to dewrmine thc Jdenlilof the pcrson (eg. il' the rele"ant intcrest ariscs becausc of an option) write

··un llllt11"

" (in c dctatls. if appropriate. ùf thc prescm a.c;sociation and any change intllat association 5incc the last suhslantial holding notic

distributed by