Enhance training of enterprise management system to push forward functional management standardization

In order to enhance standardized enterprise management so that the employees can know well about the Group's up-to-date management system, the Group's HR Department held two sessions of internal trainings on the Group's new rules and regulations on May 13 and May 20 respectively.

The training contents involved: Decision-making Management System on Important Proposals of Subsidiaries and Participating Stock Companies, Company Risk Assessment Management Regulations, Company Auditing and Supervisory Work System, Company Funds Accommodation Management Regulations, and Company Budget Management System. The training strengthened the trainees' understanding on the above systems through the forms of concentrated interpretation, classroom interaction and written test. The trainees included all executives from the headquarters, directors and vice directors from all the departments, general managers and vice general managers from the business divisions, executives from the holding subsidiaries, and the Group's entire financial staff. During the training, a majority of the trainees studied earnestly, completed their written tests independently, and grasped the training contents satisfactorily.

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