What is a Dividend?

A Dividend is a portion of company earnings given to shareholders, when the company has earnings and profits .

Facts about Zion's Dividend Option:

  • To date, Zion has not given out dividends.
  • Zion's Board of Directors determines when/if the company will give out dividends.
  • When enrolling in the DSPP, a Dividend Option must be selected. The option can now be changed through Zion's online Smart Form.

Read a definition of Dividend on Investopedia

What are Zion's Dividend Options?

FULL DIVIDEND REINVESTMENT You direct the company to reinvest any future dividends on all shares of common stock registered in your name as well as shares in the DSPP.

Option explained - This option puts all of the investor's earnings on their shares through dividends towards more common stock. No cash payment is given.

PARTIAL DIVIDEND REINVESTMENT You direct the company to reinvest a percentage of any future dividends paid on all shares of common stock registered in your name. The remaining percentage of shares will be paid cash dividends only if held outside the DSPP. Percentage of shares to participate in dividend reinvestment % (must be at least 10%)

Option explained - This option puts part (percentage) of the investor's earnings on their shares through dividends towards more common stock. The other part (percentage) of investor's earnings on their shares held 'outside the DSPP' through dividends is paid by check.

Outside the DSPP - This means held in Stock Certificate form.

OPTIONAL CASH PAYMENTS Any future cash dividends will only be paid on shares you hold outside the DSPP.

Option explained - This option pays all dividends by check on shares owned. All shares must be held in Stock Certificate form (Outside the DSPP) in order to receive cash payments.

Want to change your Dividend option now?
Click Here

Zion's DSPP series seeks to answer common shareholder questions about our Direct Stock Purchase Plan and the terminology regularly used by Zion Oil and the Zion Oil staff.

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