Jonathan Russell

Jonathan Russell

Chief Executive Officer at TVC Enterprises LLC

53 year
Consumer Services

Active connections

NameGenderAgeLinked companiesCollaboration
James Jackson M -
Tom McKelvey M -
Samuel Libnic M 58 28 years
Reid Barnett M -
5 years
See more

Connections Chart

Multi-company connection

Former connections

NameGenderAgeLinked companiesCollaboration
Paul A. Will M 58 24 years
Stephen B. Russell M 84 30 years
William Eric Meek M 44 7 years
Paul Svindland M 52 -
Christopher Hines M 64 5 years
Chase Welsh M - 7 years
Bobby L. Peavler M 44 13 years
Thomas Stephen Albrecht M - -
Robert Long M 67 -
Robert Willumstad M 77 7 years
Colin Douglas Clark M 50 -
Schaefer Wouters F - 9 years
Joe Weigel M - 4 years
Vincent Donargo M 63 2 years
Michael C. Perdue M - 1 years
Richard Parsons M 76 16 years
Karen Quintos F 60 3 years
Kenneth L. Buck M - 3 years
Kathleen L. Ross F - 2 years
Anthony Heyworth M 80 16 years
Alain Juan Pablo Belda Fernandez M 80 15 years
John Reed M 85 35 years
Sanford Weill M 91 8 years
William Campbell M 78 -
Eric Lewis Larson M 66 3 years
John Addison M 66 -
Marc Weill M - 9 years
Win Bischoff M 81 -
James Stephen Brent M 59 -
Leonard Singer M - 22 years
Ashok Valiram Vaswani M 62 8 years
David Wheeler M - 12 years
Michael J. Tedesco M 57 16 years
Kaveh Samie M - 11 years
Mark Harris FitzPatrick M 54 4 years
Helen Watkins F - 12 years
Ruth Rhei F - 8 years
Mark Simonian M - 13 years
Scott N. Smith M 59 -
Susan Catalano F 61 21 years
Oscar Enrique Loynaz M - 8 years
Bill Tang M - 4 years
Esther Wileen Go F 53 6 years
David Spivak M 56 17 years
Antonio Martino M 56 17 years
Mark Edwin Lorkin M - 7 years
John J. Grace M - 6 years
Philip Nisbet M - 7 years
Shivashish Chatterjee M - 12 years
Carlos Guimarães M - 4 years
Matthew Jenkins M 55 17 years
Alexander Duka M 58 20 years
Andrea Farace M 68 21 years
Scott Wede M 51 6 years
Kenneth J. Aspis M - 8 years
John L. Donnelly M 67 -
Sohail Khan M - 13 years
C. Thomas Richardson M 60 12 years
Peter M. Dawkins M 86 8 years
Michael Kirkwood M 78 11 years
Deryck Charles Maughan M 76 6 years
Robert Rubin M 85 10 years
William R. Rhodes M 88 11 years
John Deutch M 85 14 years
Peter Downs M 60 3 years
Erik Thomas Kahler M 58 4 years
Margaret M. Cannella F 72 10 years
Peter W. Boucher M 69 4 years
Catherine A. Allen M 77 7 years
Ajaypal Banga M 65 13 years
Nancy S. Newcomb F 79 6 years
Jerri DeVard F 66 5 years
Michael J. Reardon M 67 6 years
Harold Rosser M 75 12 years
Vincent Kondaveeti M - -
Jamie Treco M 69 12 years
John Alexander Sinclair M - -
Bikram Bakshi M - 6 years
Joseph D. Dowling M 66 7 years
Malcolm Gilchrist M 75 13 years
Stephen Bird M 57 21 years
Rajeev K. L. Kakar M 60 6 years
Stephen Cummins M - 8 years
Duke Dayal M - 9 years
François de Carbonnel M 78 5 years
Atul Varma M 50 5 years
William A. Iommi M 73 7 years
Ann B. Lane F 69 18 years
Rajive Chadha M 59 9 years
Erol Uzumeri M - 4 years
Michael Cohen M 58 -
Josh Grotstein M - 3 years
Larry Nath M - 9 years
Joseph Chow M 60 4 years
Jeroen Tas M 65 4 years
Javier Placer M - 5 years


CountryConnections% of total
United States 100 100.00%

Age of Connections





Members of the board


Origin of connections