JLK Inspection (JLK) announced that after extensive research and development, it has achieved a major milestone in the development of a technology for assisting in the diagnosis of ischemic strokes, which can provide key information to determine treatment. JLK recently completed clinical trials for its AI-based stroke diagnosis platform, which is designed to assist doctors in quickly classifying the cause of a stroke. According to Kim, 'It is inspiring in that, JLK Inspection has a platform for CT-based hemorrhagic stroke detection as well as for MRI-based ischemic stroke diagnosis at a time when its peersare only working in the hemorrhagic stroke detection area." He also added that "fast diagnosis using solution is essential in treating strokes, helping provide more time for faster treatment, while potentially saving lives and millions in medical expenses'. JLK utilizes artificial intelligence and deep learning technologies to analyze MRI images of stroke patients to help classify the cause of a stroke. To train the AI platform, JLK has secured billions of pieces of data from millions of cases via collaborations with hospitals in Korea, including Seoul National University Hospital and Dongkuk University Hospital. JLK's experts are working with these institutions to help train the software to analyze the provided data correctly.