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(a joint stock company incorporated in the People's Republic of China with limited liability)

(Stock Code: 1288) ANNOUNCEMENT

This announcement is made by Agricultural Bank of China Limited (the "Bank") pursuant to Rules
13.51B(2) and 13.51(2)(s) of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.
The Bank refers to the announcement dated 31 December 2013 in relation to a decision by the Disciplinary Committee (the "Committee") of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (the "Institute") regarding Mr. Anthony WU Ting-yuk ("Mr. Wu"), an independent non-executive director of the Bank.
According to a press release of the Institute dated 23 July 2013, the Committee ordered removal of the name of Mr. Wu from the register of certified public accountants for a period of 2 years, and payment to the Institute of a penalty of HK$250,000. In addition, Mr. Wu and the other respondents were ordered to pay the costs of the disciplinary and investigation proceedings of HK$2 million.
Based on the information available to the board of directors of the Bank (the "Board"), the Board is of the view that, as at the date of this announcement, the Bank's business, operations and financial status have not been affected. The Bank will follow the development of this incident and will make further announcement as and when appropriate.
By Order of the Board Agricultural Bank of China Limited ZHU Gaoming

Company Secretary

Beijing, PRC
24 July 2014

As at the date of this announcement, our executive directors are Mr. JIANG Chaoliang, Mr. ZHANG Yun, Mr. GUO Haoda and Mr. LOU Wenlong; our non-executive directors are Mr. SHEN Bingxi, Mr. LIN Damao, Mr. CHENG Fengchao, Mr. LI Yelin, Mr. XIAO Shusheng and Mr. ZHAO Chao; and our independent non-executive directors are Mr. Anthony WU Ting-yuk, Mr. QIU Dong, Mr. Frederick MA Si-hang, Mr. WEN Tiejun and Mr. Francis YUEN Tin-fan.

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