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S. Changes in association

The persons who have beco111e associates (2} of. ceasEd to be associates of, or have changed the nature of thelr assocìation (9) wìth, the subslantial holder in relation to v:::ting in1erests in t'le company or scherno are as follows:

6. Addresses

.··- -·---· - -- cdce>s --=-=· ---

The acldreof persons ramed in thls form are as follow&:

!954 Lexingtah Avenue # ì49, Nev/York, NY 10021, Unlted States

.. _--l

, --------'""- -w"''"


,prake. Pr.vate !nvestments LLC


print m'Ime /nthorw F ill.ace capacì1y Managìng Member

date 80/0912014


(4} !f there are a '!"ti.H'I'ber of substan1ial ho!ders with similar or reialed relevant interests (eg, a ccrpora.tìon and its related corporations, or the manager and trustee of an equity trust}, the names coUid be included in an annexure to the form. 1f the ;elevant inlerests- of a group of persons are essentìal!y similar. tney may be referred to throughout tTorm as a SJjecificalty named yroup if the membership et each group, with the names and <.lddresses of rnembers is clearly set ou!in pa19qraph 6 of the icrm.

(2) ge;- thA defi:Jition of "associate" in section 9 of the Corpo-rations Act 2001

(3) See the definition o'f"1ele:vant interest'' in sect!cms 608-ond 67'1 8(7) of the Corporations Act 2001

(4) The votlng sr.ares Of a comp;;.ny constiìute onclass unless divided into separate c-lasses

(5) The person's votes divided by the tota!votes; in the body-corporale or schemmultiplied by 100. (6) Include deta1Js o7:

(a) any relev :lnt agreement ot other circumstances because of which the change in relevant interest occurred. lf Sl)bsect!on 571!::54) applies, a copy of any document sctling out the terms ot any relevant agt ement and a statement by ihe person giving fui! and accurate detaì!s of any C":lntract, scheme or arrongement, must ac:::qmpany th1s form, together with a wrilen statement certifying this eontract, zchem-e or arrangeme-nt and

(b) any qualìfication olthe power of a person to exercis.e, control the exercise o t. or influence the exercise uf, the votng povvers or dìsposa!of the sec ritìes to whìchthe rel.evant interest relates (lndìcaiH19 clearly the particulor secwìtie1i> to which the qualifif'_,alion applies).

:See llltl defrnicion cf "re)eY{If1 >gro menf' ir. se-ctlon 9 ofthe Corporafions Act2001
(7) Detaiis of 1he consìderation must include any and n benefits, money and other, that any perSon from whom a reevant lnterest was acqulred has, or may, Mcome enli1!ed to receìve in relaiion to that acqui-sitlon, Detai!s mu!I.JìOclt,ded even IT the benefit is =ndilional on the happening or not of a contìngency_ Details must be included on any benefit paid on beha!f of the substantlal holder or ìts associate ìn r<;llation lO the acquisiticns, evenIT they are not paid directly te the person 1rom whom ihe relevant interest was aCQuirecl
{8) l! the substantia: holder is unable to deter;nlne the idenH!y o1 the person (eg. if the relevant interest arises -because o1 an option} write 'untnowr;'"_ (9) Givc detaìls, if appropriate. of the- prAS€-nt associatian and any_ cha11e in that association since the last su_bstantla.l holdiJ'lg notice_

1/10/2014 15:24 636 -> Fax Server Page 3 Of 3


S. Changes in association

The persons who have beco111e associates (2} of. ceasEd to be associates of, or have changed the nature of thelr assocìation (9) wìth, the subslantial holder in relation to v:::ting in1erests in t'le company or scherno are as follows:

6. Addresses

.··- -·---· - -- cdce>s --=-=· ---

The acldreof persons ramed in thls form are as follow&:

!954 Lexingtah Avenue # ì49, Nev/York, NY 10021, Unlted States

.. _--l

, --------'""- -w"''"


,prake. Pr.vate !nvestments LLC


print m'Ime /nthorw F ill.ace capacì1y Managìng Member

date 80/0912014


(4} !f there are a '!"ti.H'I'ber of substan1ial ho!ders with similar or reialed relevant interests (eg, a ccrpora.tìon and its related corporations, or the manager and trustee of an equity trust}, the names coUid be included in an annexure to the form. 1f the ;elevant inlerests- of a group of persons are essentìal!y similar. tney may be referred to throughout tTorm as a SJjecificalty named yroup if the membership et each group, with the names and <.lddresses of rnembers is clearly set ou!in pa19qraph 6 of the icrm.

(2) ge;- thA defi:Jition of "associate" in section 9 of the Corpo-rations Act 2001

(3) See the definition o'f"1ele:vant interest'' in sect!cms 608-ond 67'1 8(7) of the Corporations Act 2001

(4) The votlng sr.ares Of a comp;;.ny constiìute onclass unless divided into separate c-lasses

(5) The person's votes divided by the tota!votes; in the body-corporale or schemmultiplied by 100. (6) Include deta1Js o7:

(a) any relev :lnt agreement ot other circumstances because of which the change in relevant interest occurred.lf Sl)bsect!on 571!::54) applies, a copy of any document sctling out the terms ot any relevant agt ement and a statement by ihe person giving fui! and accurate detaì!s of any C":lntract, scheme or arrongement, must ac:::qmpany th1s form, together with a wrilen statement certifying this eontract, zchem-e or arrangeme-nt and

(b) any qualìfication olthe power of a person to exercis.e, control the exercise o t. or influence the exercise uf, the votng povvers or dìsposa!of the sec ritìes to whìchthe rel.evant interest relates (lndìcaiH19 clearly the particulor secwìtie1i> to which the qualifif'_,alion applies).

:See llltl defrnicion cf "re)eY{If1 >gro menf' ir. se-ctlon 9 ofthe Corporafions Act2001
(7) Detaiis of 1he consìderation must include any and n benefits, money and other, that any perSon from whom a reevant lnterest was acqulred has, or may, Mcome enli1!ed to receìve in relaiion to that acqui-sitlon, Detai!s mu!I.JìOclt,ded even IT the benefit is =ndilional on the happening or not of a contìngency_ Details must be included on any benefit paid on beha!f of the substantlal holder or ìts associate ìn r<;llation lO the acquisiticns, evenIT they are not paid directly te the person 1rom whom ihe relevant interest was aCQuirecl
{8) l! the substantia: holder is unable to deter;nlne the idenH!y o1 the person (eg. if the relevant interest arises -because o1 an option} write 'untnowr;'"_ (9) Givc detaìls, if appropriate. of the- prAS€-nt associatian and any_ cha11e in that association since the last su_bstantla.l holdiJ'lg notice_

1/10/2014 15:24 636 -> Fax Server Page 3 Of 3


S. Changes in association

The persons who have beco111e associates (2} of. ceasEd to be associates of, or have changed the nature of thelr assocìation (9) wìth, the subslantial holder in relation to v:::ting in1erests in t'le company or scherno are as follows:

6. Addresses

.··- -·---· - -- cdce>s --=-=· ---

The acldreof persons ramed in thls form are as follow&:

!954 Lexingtah Avenue # ì49, Nev/York, NY 10021, Unlted States

.. _--l

, --------'""- -w"''"


,prake. Pr.vate !nvestments LLC


print m'Ime /nthorw F ill.ace capacì1y Managìng Member

date 80/0912014


(4} !f there are a '!"ti.H'I'ber of substan1ial ho!ders with similar or reialed relevant interests (eg, a ccrpora.tìon and its related corporations, or the manager and trustee of an equity trust}, the names coUid be included in an annexure to the form. 1f the ;elevant inlerests- of a group of persons are essentìal!y similar. tney may be referred to throughout tTorm as a SJjecificalty named yroup if the membership et each group, with the names and <.lddresses of rnembers is clearly set ou!in pa19qraph 6 of the icrm.

(2) ge;- thA defi:Jition of "associate" in section 9 of the Corpo-rations Act 2001

(3) See the definition o'f"1ele:vant interest'' in sect!cms 608-ond 67'1 8(7) of the Corporations Act 2001

(4) The votlng sr.ares Of a comp;;.ny constiìute onclass unless divided into separate c-lasses

(5) The person's votes divided by the tota!votes; in the body-corporale or schemmultiplied by 100. (6) Include deta1Js o7:

(a) any relev :lnt agreement ot other circumstances because of which the change in relevant interest occurred. lf Sl)bsect!on 571!::54) applies, a copy of any document sctling out the terms ot any relevant agt ement and a statement by ihe person giving fui! and accurate detaì!s of any C":lntract, scheme or arrongement, must ac:::qmpany th1s form, together with a wrilen statement certifying this eontract, zchem-e or arrangeme-nt and

(b) any qualìfication olthe power of a person to exercis.e, control the exercise o t. or influence the exercise uf, the votng povvers or dìsposa!of the sec ritìes to whìchthe rel.evant interest relates (lndìcaiH19 clearly the particulor secwìtie1i> to which the qualifif'_,alion applies).

:See llltl defrnicion cf "re)eY{If1 >gro menf' ir. se-ctlon 9 ofthe Corporafions Act2001
(7) Detaiis of 1he consìderation must include any and n benefits, money and other, that any perSon from whom a reevant lnterest was acqulred has, or may, Mcome enli1!ed to receìve in relaiion to that acqui-sitlon, Detai!s mu!I.JìOclt,ded even IT the benefit is =ndilional on the happening or not of a contìngency_ Details must be included on any benefit paid on beha!f of the substantlal holder or ìts associate ìn r<;llation lO the acquisiticns, evenIT they are not paid directly te the person 1rom whom ihe relevant interest was aCQuirecl

{8) l! the substantia: holder is unable to deter;nlne the idenH!y o1 the person (eg. if the relevant interest arises -because o1 an option} write 'untnowr;'"_ (9) Givc detaìls, if appropriate. of the- prAS€-nt associatian and any_ cha11e in that association since the last su_bstantla.l holdiJ'lg notice_

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