Títulos principais em Arial 12 negrito CCR S.A.

Corporate Taxpayer's ID (CNPJ): 02.846.056/0001-97
Company Registry (NIRE): 35.300.158.334


In accordance with CVM Instruction 358, CCR S.A. ("CCR") (Bovespa:CCRO3; Bloomberg: CCRO3BZ; Reuters:CCRO3.SA) hereby informs its shareholders and the market in general that, given the prospects for developing new businesses in the airport infrastructure area, as well as exploring new opportunities aligned with the interests of all the Company shareholders, CCR's Board of Directors resolved to analyze the proposal presented by the controlling shareholders, Grupo Andrade Gutierrez and Grupo Camargo Corrêa,to resume the analysis, for the purpose of eventual ownership, and with due reimbursement of costs, of the studies related to the implementation of a new airport in the metropolitan region of São Paulo, and the consequent acquisition of the rights arising from the Purchase Option Agreement for the pertinent land ("NSPA PROJECT"). To this end, CCR's Board of Directors met today and in accordance with best governance and transparency practices, approved the following: (i) the resumption of the analysis, for the purpose of eventual ownership, and with due reimbursement of costs, of the studies related to the implementation of the NSPA PROJECT and the consequent acquisition of the rights arising from the Purchase Option Agreement for the pertinent land; (ii) the constitution of a new Independent Committee to analyze the above-mentioned proposal, said Committee to adopt best transparency and independence practices as envisaged in CVM Guidance Opinion 35 of September 1, 2008; and (iii) the appointment of the members of said Independent Committee which will be composed of the Company's Independent Board Members, Luiz Carlos Vieira da Silva and Luiz Alberto Colonna Rosman, and by Board Member Henrique Sutton de Sousa Neves; (iv) the calling of an Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting on a date to be confirmed opportunely to resolve on the assumption of these studies and rights, those Shareholders currently holding the studies and rights related to the NSPA PROJECT being prevented from voting; and (v) the publication of this Material Fact.
With the eventual assumption of ownership of the studies and rights related to the NSPA PROJECT, CCR expects to move ahead with its strategy of qualified growth in the coming years and increase its contribution to Brazil's social and economic development.
São Paulo, June 15, 2015.
Arthur Piotto Filho

Investor Relations Officer
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