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Dalian Port (PDA) Company Limited*

(a sino-foreign joint stock limited company incorporated in the People's Republic of China)


The Board hereby announces that Mr. Sun Junyou, Mr. Yin Shihui and Mr. Xu
Fangsheng have resigned as supervisors of the Company with effect from 29 January
2015 due to their commitment to other works.
The Board further announces that Mr. Zhang Zuogang and Mr. Jia Wenjun have been nominated as supervisor candidates of the Company for election at the EGM to be held by the end of March 2015(the "EGM"). Ms. Zhao Rong has been elected by the Company's employee representatives as the employee supervisor of the Company. Her term of office shall commence on 30 January 2015 and end on the date on which the term of the current session of the supervisory committee expires. The appointment
of Ms. Zhao Rong does not require the approval of the shareholders of the Company.


The board of directors (the "Board") of Dalian Port (PDA) Company Limited (the "Company") hereby announces that Mr. Sun Junyou ("Mr. Sun"), Mr. Yin Shihui ("Mr. Yin") and Mr. Xu Fangsheng ("Mr. Xu", a employee representative supervisor of the Company) have resigned as supervisor of the Company with effect from 29
January 2015 due to their respective commitment to other works.
Each of Mr. Sun, Mr. Yin and Mr. Xu has confirmed that he has no disagreement with the Board and the supervisory committee of the Company, respectively, and no matter relating to his resignation that needs to be brought to the attention of the shareholders
of the Company.


The Board and the supervisory committee of the Company would like to take this opportunity to express their sincere appreciation to Mr. Sun, Mr. Yin and Mr. Xu for their contributions to the Company in the past.


The Board further announces that Mr. Zhang Zuogang ("Mr. Zhang") and Mr. Jia Wenjun ("Mr. Jia") have been nominated as supervisor candidate for election as supervisor of Company at the EGM.
Ms. Zhao Rong ("Ms. Zhao") has been elected by the Company's employee representatives as the employee representative supervisor of the Company. Her term of office shall commence on 29 January 2015 and end on the date on which the term of the current session of the supervisory committee of the Company expires. The appointment of Ms. Zhao does not require the approval of the shareholders of the Company.
Biographical details of the above supervisor candidates and employee representative supervisor are set out as follows:

Mr. Zhang Zuogang (張佐剛), aged 52, Chinese national. Mr. Zhang was a non-executive director of the Company from 24 June 2011 to 29 January 2015. Mr. Zhang joined Dalian Port Corporation Limited ("PDA") in April 2010. Prior to that, he held positions in Shenyang Industrial College, the finance office and general office of Dalian Municipal Government, and acted as an assistant to general manager and the deputy general manager of Shenyang Management Headquarter of China Southern Securities Co., Ltd., the manager of the sales department of the Dalian Branch of China Southern Securities Co., Ltd., and vice president of Shanghai Shenhua Holdings Co., Ltd. Mr. Zhang is currently a Director and the deputy general manager of PDA, the chairman of the board of directors of Dalian Northeast Asia International Shipping Center Vessels Market Co., Ltd., and director of Dalian Port and Shipping Industry Fund Management Co., Ltd. Mr. Zhang obtained a master degree from Dongbei University of Finance and Economics majoring in industrial economy. Mr. Jia Wenjun (賈文軍), aged 41, Chinese national. Mr. Jia was a partner of

Liaoning Dongzheng Appraisal and Accounting Firms (遼寧東正評估事務所) and prior to that, worked in Dalian Regulatory Bureau under China Securities Regulatory Commission, business section I of inspectors under China Securities Regulatory
Commission in Shenzhen and acted as the deputy chief of the listed companies' supervision division and the investigation division of Dalian Regulatory Bureau under China Securities Regulatory Commission. He is currently the deputy chief accountant of PDA and the general manager of Dalian Port Investment and Financing Holdings
Limited (大連港投融資控股有限公司). Mr. Jia graduated from Dongbei University
of Finance and Economics with a master's degree in accounting. He is an accountant.


Ms. Zhao Rong (趙蓉女士), aged 47, Chinese national, and currently is the head of internal control department under the board of the Company and the director of its

audit management center. Ms. Zhao joined joined the Port of Dalian Authority (currently known as Dalian Port Corporation Limited ("PDA")) in 1986. and held various positions with PDA since then, including the financial controller of the Dalian Port Freight Centre, the head of the Finance Division of Dalian Port Dayaowan Stevedoring Company, the accounting head of the planning and financing department of PDA, deputy director of the risk management department of PDA, deputy head of the audit management center of PDA and chief financial controller of the Dalian Port Real Estate Co., Ltd. Ms. Zhao graduated from the Central Radio and TV University with a bachelor's degree in accounting. She is a senior accountant.
Subject to the approval of the shareholders on their appointments at the EGM, the Company will enter into a service contract with each of them respectively, and the length of service shall be from the date of the EGM and ending on the expiry date of the current session of the supervisory committee. Mr. Zhang, Mr. Jia and Ms. Zhao will not receive any remuneration for serving as supervisor of the Company.

Other than disclosed above, none of the above candidates currently holds, nor did them in the past three years, hold any directorships in any listed companies. They do not have any relationships with any director, supervisor, senior management or substantial or controlling shareholders of the Company. As at the date of this announcement, they do not have any interests in the securities of the Company within the meaning of Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Chapter 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong).

Save as disclosed above, there is no other information that is required to be disclosed pursuant to Rule 13.51(2) of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the "Listing Rules") nor are there any matters that need to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the Company in relation to the proposed appointment of the above supervisor candidates and the employee representative supervisor.

A notice for convening the EGM in relation to, among other things, the proposed appointment of Mr. Zhang and Mr. Jia as supervisor of the Company will be dispatched to the shareholders as soon as practicable in accordance with the requirements of the Articles of Association of the Company and the Listing Rules.


By order of the Board

GUI Yuchan LEE, Kin Yu Arthur

Joint Company Secretaries
Dalian City, Liaoning Province, the PRC
30 January 2015


As at the date of this announcement, the directors of the Company are:

Executive directors: HUI Kai and XU Song

Non-executive directors: XU Jian and DONG Yanhong

Independent non-executive directors: WAN Kam To, Peter, GUO Yu and WANG Zhifeng

*The Company is registered as Non-Hong Kong company under Part XI of the previous Companies Ordinance (equivalent to Part 16 of the Companies Ordinance with effect from 3 March 2014) under the English name "Dalian Port (PDA) Company Limited".


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