Dyckerhoff Aktiengesellschaft: Initiation of squeeze-out procedure

Wiesbaden, February 8, 2013 - Today, Buzzi Unicem SpA submitted to the Management Board of Dyckerhoff Aktiengesellschaft, Wiesbaden, the request according to Section 327a para. 1 sent. 1 German Stock Corporation Act (Aktiengesetz - AktG) for a resolution to be adopted at a shareholders' meeting of Dyckerhoff Aktiengesellschaft to transfer the shares held by the remaining shareholders (minority shareholders) of Dyckerhoff Aktiengesellschaft to Buzzi Unicem SpA (principal shareholder) in return for an adequate cash compensation (so called squeeze-out).

Buzzi Unicem SpA directly and indirectly, due to the attribution of shares according to Section 327a para. 2, Section 16 para. 4 AktG, holds a total interest of 96.64 percent of the share capital of Dyckerhoff Aktiengesellschaft and therefore is principal shareholder of Dyckerhoff Aktiengesellschaft within the meaning of Section 327a para. 1 sent. 1 AktG.

The resolution regarding the squeeze-out of the other shareholders (minority shareholders) shall be adopted at the next general shareholders' meeting of Dyckerhoff Aktiengesellschaft. The previously scheduled date (May 7, 2013) for the general shareholders' meeting will probably be postponed to July 2013. The exact date of the general shareholders' meeting will be announced on the company's website shortly.

Dyckerhoff Aktiengesellschaft
Management Board

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