Dear Shareholders and Investors,

Following our SPP announcement I would like to make clear some information that may have been poorly communicated or misunderstood:

Forms and booklet will be mailed out on Friday, 20 November.

From next Monday, we will be able to obtain copies of your individual application forms if required.

Individual application forms will also be available from the Computershare Investor Centre website. If you are familiar with that facility, you can log in and download your form directly from next Monday.

Regarding our international shareholders:

During our last SPP in 2013 we had a strong participation from our overseas shareholders and did our very best to accept all applications.

The SPP legal entitlement refers to shareholders whose registered address (i.e. the address recorded in our share register) is in Australia or New Zealand. These are rules imposed by the regulator, not Dyesol.

Many overseas shareholders will have their shares held through a nominee company, whose registered address is in Australia. Consequently, they will satisfy the legal requirement to participate.

Many of our overseas shareholders have their shares held in one holding, JPMorgan Nominees, and will no doubt hear from that holder shortly regarding their entitlement.

Thank you for your keen interest and financial support.


Tracy Benillouz

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