
604 page 112 15 July 2001

Form 604

Corporations Act 2001

Section 6718

Notice of change of interests of substantial holder

I2icomp,my Namo/$chomo Flinders MinesLlmilod

ACN/ARSN 091 118 044

1.Oot,lls ohubstmtial holdor (1)


ACN/ARSN (if appllcablo)

OCJ lnvesbnent (Australia) Ply Ltd

123004 862

There wa, a cnange in lhe Interest, of lho subst,mllal holdor on




Tho previous notlre was given to the e;ompany on _18




The previous notice was dated _1_8 ....; 0 6 1_ _

  1. Previou!i: and }lll!ssnt V'otlng po'W9r

    The tore.I number of votes att::iched lo all tho voting ::;hares in lhe compny or voting Interests In the scheme that tho substanllal holder or al'! associate (2) had a relevant Interest (3)

    In when lasl required, and when now required, to give a substantial holding notice to the company of scheme, arc as follows:

    Class of securities (4)

    Previous notice

    Prasant notlco

    Person's votes


    Volino MWer 151

    Per.;on's votes


    VoUno oower 151

    Fullv Paid Ollllnarv Shares







  2. Change$ In relevant lnti!lrests

    Parth:ulars of each change !n, or change in the r1ature of, a relevant interest of the substantial holder or an associate ln voting securities of the company or scheme, since the

    substanlial holder was last required lo give a substantial holding notice to Ulo company or scheme as follows:

    Date of


    Person whoso

    relevant lnlerest changed

    Naturo of change (6)

    ConsideraUon glvon in relation lo change (7)

    Class and number of securities affected

    Person's votes Affected


    OCJ Investment (Australia) Ply Lid

    Shares acquired In

    /ranches on-market


    28,868,513 F'ully Paid Ordinary Shares


  3. Pres1mt rolevant interest

    Particulars of each re!ev.:int Interest of the substantial holder ln voUng sei:.uritles after the change are as folh;,w$:

    Holder or relevant


    Registered holder of seourlties

    Peon enH!Jed to bo registered as holder (8)

    Nature of relovant inlerest (6)

    Class and number or securities

    Person's votes

    OCJ lnvesbnent (Auslralia) Pl'/ Ltd

    OCJ lnvcsbnent (Ausiralla) Ply Lid

    OCJ Investment

    (Auslralia) Pl'/ Ltd

    Holder ol Shares

    384,557.319 Fully Paid Ordinary Sharos


    604 ago 212 15 July 2001

  4. Changes in association

    Ths per.;ons who have become associates (2) of, ceased to be associates of. or have changed the nature of their asodaUori {9) with. the .substantial holder in reli:ltlon to

    voting Interests In the company or scheme are as follows:

    Name and ACNIARSN iia lieable Nature of association


  5. Addresses

  6. The addresses or peraons m;1med In thl5 form are as follcws:

    Name Address

    OCJ ln,estment Australia Pt Ltd 85 Ma Avonua Wheelers Hill VIC 3150


    sign here


    13 10 15


    1. If them aro a number of substantial holders with similar orrelated relovant Issues (eg. A corporation and its related corporation, . or the manager and trustee of an equity trust). the names could ba included In an annaxura to the form. If the relevant interests of a group of persons are essent lly similar. they may be referred to throughout tho form as a specifically named group If tha membership of each group, with the names and addresses of member,; Is olearty set out in paragraph G ol the form.

    2. See tho definition of·as,oclate' In Socllon 9 or the Corporations Act 2001.

    (3) Soe tha definition of 'ralevant Interest' In sections 608 and 6718(7) of the Corporations Act 2001.

    (4) The voting shares of a company constitute one class unle:iS divided into sepcirato dasses.

    1. The person's voles divided by the total votes In the body corpor;te or schema multiplied by 100.

    2. Include details of:

    3. any relevant agreement or other circumstances by which the relevant Interest was acquired. lf .subsection 6718(4) applies, a copy of any document setting out the terms of any rolevantagreement. and a statement by the person giving full and accurJto details of any contract, schme or arrangement. must accompany this form, together with a written ststement certifying this contract schema or arrangement: and

    4. (bl any quallncatlon or the power of a person lo exercise, control the exercise of, the voting powers or disposal of the securities to which lhe relevant Interest relale5 (lndlllng clearly th8 partlcular securitles to which the qualification applies).

      Sae the definition of 'relevP.nt agreement' in secUon 9 of the Corporatlons Act 2001.

      (7) Details of the consideration must include any and .all benefits, money and other, that any person from whom a relevant Interest was acquired has. or may, become entitled to r,,caiva In r,,Jatlon to that acqulslUon. Details must be Included even If tho benefit is condlllonal on the happening or not of a contingency. Details must be Included of any benefit paid on behalf of the substantial holder or Its associate In relation to the acquisitions, even if they are not paid dlroctly to the per,;on from whom tho relevant interest was acquired.

      (8) If the substantial holder In unable to determine the Identity of Iha peraon (eg. I[ th• relevant Interest arises because of an option) writ• ·nknown'.

      (9) Give deli:iil5, if approprito, of the presentassoda on and any change in that association since the last substantial holding noUce.

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