Since 1 November 2015 GRTgaz can convey non-odorised gas through the 'Artère des Flandres' pipeline to the grid of Fluxys Belgium, which in turn can transport it via the newly laid Alveringem-Maldegem pipeline.

The two partners are pleased with the realisation of this project initiated in 2010, which materialized two weeks ago with the physical connection of the French and Belgian grids and is clear evidence of their excellent cooperation and adherence to schedules.

In Belgium, the project involved Fluxys Belgium building the Alveringem regulating station, a new interconnection station at Maldegem and a pipeline stretching nearly 75 km between these two sites. The total investment was around €100 million.

In France, the project involved GRTgaz building the 'Artère des Flandres' pipeline (23 km) and the Hondschoote metering station at the border (€56 million) as well as modifying the Pitgam interconnection station (€30 million).

These facilities - designed to convey non-odorised gas - enable shippers to transmit gas from France to Belgium for the first time. By offering the ability to convey up to 8 billion cubic metres of natural gas per year from France to Belgium, they reinforce market integration, security of supply and diversification of sources. They will also make it possible, starting in 2016, to link the Dunkirk terminal to the Belgian grid, thus encouraging the development of LNG in northwest Europe.

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