Overseas regulatory announcement JPMorgan Chase & Co 28 May 2015

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HSBC Holdings plc Overseas Regulatory Announcement

The attached announcement has been released to the other stock exchanges on which HSBC Holdings plc is listed.
The Board of Directors of HSBC Holdings plc as at the date of this announcement are: Douglas Flint, Stuart Gulliver, Phillip Ameen , Kathleen Casey , Safra Catz , Laura Cha , Lord Evans of Weardale , Joachim Faber , Rona Fairhead , Sam Laidlaw , John Lipsky , Rachel Lomax , Iain Mackay, Heidi Miller , Marc Moses, Sir Simon Robertson and Jonathan Symonds .

Independent non-executive Director

Hong Kong Stock Code: 5

HSBC Holdings plc

Registered Office and Group Head Office:

8 Canada Square, London E14 5HQ, United Kingdom

Web: www.hsbc.com

Incorporated in England with limited liability. Registered in England: number 617987

HSBC Holdings plc was notified on 28 May 2015 that JPMorgan Chase & Co. had released an announcement to The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited on 28 May
2015 pursuant to s.324 of Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap.
To view the announcement click here:

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