1.Date of occurrence of the event: 2015/08/13
2.Company name: HTC Corporation
3.Relationship to the Company (please enter "head office" or "subsidiaries"): Head office
4.Reciprocal shareholding ratios: N/A
5.Name of the reporting media: Economic Daily News (Taiwan), etc.
6.Content of the report: Please refer to the news on media.
7.Cause of occurrence: To clarify the news reported today:
1. HTC One M9+ sales in the Netherlands only account for a small portion of our global sales. There is no adverse impact on the financials of the Company.
2. HTC one M9+ sold in the Netherlands has no compatibility and software issues with 4G networks, and it supports major common LTE bands and operators. We have not designed HTC one M9+ to support Band 20 which is only available on two operators.
3. HTC one M9+ is sold globally in Europe, China, India and Asia and is designed to run on majority of the most popular networks in these territories.
8.Countermeasures: None
9.Any other matters that need to be specified: None
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