ASX Release - 21 October 2014

Boardroom Radio Interview with David Hutton

Base metals explorer Mithril Resources Ltd ( ASX:MTH) is pleased to provide investors with an opportunity to listen to an audio interview with Managing Director, Mr David Hutton, on Boardroom Radio (BRR).

To listen to the information session, please paste the following website into your browser:

The interview can also be accessed at The Australian's Business website. The interview will be available

from 9.45am (AEST), Tuesday, 21 October 2014.

The subject of the interview is as follows: September Quarterly Report Discussion.


For Further Information Contact:

Mithril Resources Ltd

David Hutton, Managing Director

a dmi n@mi thri l res ources .com.a u
58 Ki ng Wi l l iam Roa d
Goodwood, South Aus tra l i a 5034
ABN: 30 099 883 922
T: (61 8) 8378 8200
F: (61 8) 8378 8299
www.mi thri l res ources .com.a u

Competent Persons Statement:

The i nforma tion i n this report tha t rela tes to Expl ora ti on Ta rgets , Expl ora ti on Res ul ts , Mi nera l Res ources or Ore Res erves i s ba s ed on i nforma ti on compi l ed by Mr Da vi d Hutton, who i s a Competent Pers on, a nd a Fel low of The Aus tra lasia n Institute of Mi ning a nd Meta l l urgy. Mr Hutton i s Ma na gi ng Di rector a nd a ful l -ti me empl oyee of Mi thri l Res ources Ltd.
Mr Hutton ha s s ufficient experi ence tha t i s rel eva nt to the s tyl e of mi nera l i s a ti on a nd type of depos i t under consideration a nd to the a cti vity being undertaken to qua l i fy a s a Competent Pers on a s defi ned in the 2012 Edition of the 'Aus tra lasian Code for Reporting of Expl ora ti on Res ul ts , Mi ner a l Res ources a nd Ore Res erves '.
Mr Hutton cons ents to the i ncl us i on i n the report of the ma tters ba s ed on hi s i nforma ti on i n the form a nd context i n whi ch i t a ppea rs .

About Mithril Resources Ltd:

Mi thri l Res ources Ltd i s a n Aus tralian exploration company focused on the di s covery a nd devel opment of ba s e meta l deposits prima rily copper. Mithril is a frontier expl orer wi th a s ma l l but hi ghly experienced tea m ba sed i n Adel aide. Combining a dvanced technol ogy wi th a proven fi el d‐ba s ed a pproa ch ens ures the bul k of the compa ny's expens es go di rectl y i nto the ground.

58 Ki n g Wi lliam Road T: (61 8) 8378 8200 ASX Cod e : MTH

Good wood, South Au stralia, 5034 F: (61 8) 8378 8299 I s su ed Shares: 315,657,750 Pa ge 1 of 1

www.mi thrilresou E: a d min Ma rke t Ca p italisation : $3.16 mi l lion

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