25 July 2014

Murchison Metals Ltd


Murchison Metals Limited (the "Company") will be removed from the official list of ASX Limited as from the close of trading on Friday, 25 July 2014, at the request of the Company in accordance with listing rule 17.11, following implementation of the scheme of arrangement by which the Company merged with Mercantile Investment Company Ltd.

Security Code: MMX Elvis Onyura

Senior Adviser, Listings Compliance (Sydney) m re



21 July 2014

Australian Securities Exchange

Exchange Centre

20 Bridge Street


Dear Sir
Application for removal from the Official List

Level11, 139 Macquarie Street, Sydney,NSW, 2000

As announced on 8 July 2014, ali of the issued share capitai of Murchison Metals Limited (MMX) is now held by Mercantile lnvestment Company as a result of the merger of the two companies pursuant to a scheme of arrangement.

In the scheme booklet provided to MMX shareholders, the board of MMX indicated its intention to apply to the ASX for removal of the company from the Official List of ASX.
In accordance with Listing Rule 17.11, MMX requests the removal of the company from the Official List of the ASX. The Cornpany's preference is that the removal takes piace as soon as possible. The board is not aware of any reason why the request should not be granted.

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions regarding this request.

Yours sincerely

Director & Company Secretary
Murchison Metals Limited

WN/ ABN: 38 078 257 799

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