(Company Registration Number 197902647M)

(Incorporated with limited liability in the Republic of Singapore on 5 September 1979)


In response to the query from Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited ("SGX") dated 20 April 2012, the Board of Directors of Otto Marine Limited (the "Company") wishes to provide the information as set out below:


Rule 1207(19)(b) of the Listing Manual requires disclosure in the Annual Report on whether and how an issuer has complied with the following best practice of dealing in securities:
"An officer should not deal in his company's securities on short-term considerations".
Please confirm whether, and if so please state how, the Company has complied with the said best practice.

Company's response

Taking into consideration the SGX Best Practices Guide, the Company has issued guidelines to its directors and employees regulating dealings in the Company's securities ("Guidelines"). These Guidelines include prohibiting trading (i) on short-term considerations, (ii) while in possession of material unpublished price-sensitive information, (iii) during the period commencing two weeks before the release of the Company's results for the first three quarters and, one month before the release of the Company's full-year results ("Blackout Period").
In addition, two weeks before the release of the Company's results for the first three quarters and one month before the release of the Company's full-year results, an email is sent to the Company's directors and employees reminding them of the Blackout Period for dealing in the Company's securities and reiterating the Company's Guidelines.
By Order of the Board
Marjorie Wee
Company Secretary
24 April 2012

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