Microsoft Word - comunicato stampa acquisto SDS - ENG - 6.11.2015

Poste Italiane: Poste Vita subsidiary acquires SDS Significant step towards growing presence in hea th insurance sector

Rome, 6 November 2015 - Poste Italiane, through its subsidiary Poste Vita, has completed the


of S.D.S.

System Data Software S.r.l. ('SDS'), a company operating in

the health

insurance sector and present in the Italian market since 1988. Poste Vita

has acquired a 100%

interest in the company for a price of €20 million, to be paid in tranches. Payment of a number of

the tranches is subject to fulfillment of performance of SDS's business.

certain conditions connected with the medium-term

SDS provides services and manages claims in the health insurance sector and is active in the creation, development and management of business software solutions and professional insurance IT services.

The acquisition of SDS represents a key step in implementing the Poste Italiane Group's plan to expand its presence in the health insurance sector, particularly wi h regard to care provision, taking advantage of opportunities in the insurance market in order to better serve the needs of Italian families, by offering them support in managing their healthcare needs.

Through the acquisition of SDS, Poste

Vita will take advant

ge of an


network of

professionals and healthcare facilities in

Italy and

will be able to offer

a complete range of

innovative services that meets the healthcare needs of its customers at a fair price, with the aim of playing a major role in both the retail and corporate health insurance market.

For further information contact:

Poste Italiane S.p.A. - Press Office Pierpaolo Cito

Head of Press Office Tel. +39 0659589008 Mob. +39 3351823403


Poste Italiane S.p.A. - Investor Relations Luca Torchia

Head of Investor Relations Tel. +39 0659589421 Mob. +39 3346402438


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