News Release Notice on Details of the Rights to Subscribe for New Shares (Stock Options as Stock-Linked Remuneration)

September 1, 2014, Osaka, Japan - Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. announced that it determined the amount to be paid for the rights to subscribe for new shares and other details of the rights to subscribe for new shares, which is to be issued to its executives including the Directors (excluding the Outside Directors) and Corporate Officers pursuant to the resolution of the Board of Directors held on August 5,

Details 1. Name of rights to subscribe for new shares

The Second Rights to Subscribe for New Shares (as Stock-Linked Remuneration)

2. Aggregate number of rights to subscribe for new shares

345 rights (100 shares per one(1) right to subscribe for new shares)
Breakdown: Two (2) Directors (excluding the Outside Directors) 103 rights
Ten (10) Corporate Officers 242 rights

3. Amount to be paid for the rights to subscribe for new shares

538,298 yen in exchange for 1(one) right (5,382.98 yen per share)
However, in lieu of the monetary payment, the grantee of allotment shall set off the claim for remuneration held by him against the Company.

4. Total amount to be paid for the rights to subscribe for new shares

185,712,810 yen

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