4 May 2015

Sipa Resources Limited


The securities of Sipa Resources Limited (the "Company") will be placed in Trading Halt Session State at the request of the Company, pending the release of an announcement by the Company. Unless ASX decides otherwise, the securities will remain in Trading Halt Session State until the earlier of the commencement of normal trading on Wednesday, 6 May 2015 or when the announcement is released to the market.

Security Code: SRI SRIO

Jeremy Newman

Adviser, Listings Compliance (Perth)

4 May 2015
Mr Sebastian.Bednarczyk/Jill Hewitt
Adviser, Issuers (Perth)
Australian Securities Exchange Limited
Level 40 Central Park
152 - 158 St Gorges Terrace
Dear Sebastian
Re: Request for Trading Halt
We write to request a halt of the Company's securities (SRI). Using the numbering provided in LR 17.1, we provide the following information:
1. The Company seeks a trading halt for the purposes of finalising a Placement and Share
Purchase Plan.
2. We expect the halt to be over by the open of business on Wednesday.
3. The Company requires this time to complete the Placement. .
4. We are not aware of any reason the halt should not be granted.

Please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned should you have any further queries. Yours sincerely,
Tara Robson
Company Secretary

REGISTERED OFFICE: Ground Floor, 6 Thelma Street, West Perth WA 6005 • POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 1183 West Perth WA 6872

TELEPHONE: (08) 9481 6259 • FAX: (08) 9322 3047 • E-MAIL:

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