STERIS Corporation



29 October 2014

For immediate release

STERIS Corporation

Recommended combination (the "Combination" ) of STERIS Corporation ("STERIS" ) and Synergy Health plc ("Synergy" ): Letter of intent from AXA Investment Managers UK Limited

Disclosure under Rule 2.11 of the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers (the "Code" )

STERIS announces that the letter of intent from AXA Investment Managers UK Limited to STERIS dated 10 October 2014 regarding the Combination now applies to 7,030,538 ordinary shares in Synergy (rather than 7,119,318 as announced on 24 October 2014), representing 11.91% of Synergy's issued share capital.



Investor Contact: Julie Winter, Director, Investor Relations                      Tel:  +1 440 392 7245

Media Contact:

Stephen Norton, Senior Director, Corporate Communications                   Tel: +1 440 392 7482

Lazard & Co., Limited (Financial Adviser to STERIS and New STERIS)

Stephen Sands                                                                                       Tel:  +44 20 7187 2000
Nicholas Shott

Al Garner                                                                                             Tel: +1 212 632 6000

Andrew Dickinson                                                                                 Tel: +1 415 623 5000

Lazard & Co., Lim ited,which is authorised and regulated in the UnitedKingdom by the Financial Conduct Aut horit y , is acti ng exclusivel y as financialadviser to S TERIS and New STERIS and no on e else in connection with the Co m b ination and will not be responsible to anyon e other than STERIS and New STERIS for providing the protections afforded to clients of Lazard & Co., Li m ited nor f o r providing advice in rel ation to the Co m b ination or an y other m atters referredto in thi s Annou ncement. Neither Lazard & Co., Lim ited nor any of it s affiliates ow es or accepts any dut y, liabilit y or responsibilit y whatsoever (whether director indirect, whetherin contract, in tort, under statute or other wise) to any person who is not a clientof Lazard & Co., Lim ited in connection with this A nnouncement, any statement contained herein,the Combination or ot herwise.

Disclo su r e r equ ir ement s o f th e Cod e

Under Rul e 8. 3( a) of t he C ode, an y pers on w h o i s i nt er es ted i n 1% or m or e of an y c l as s of r el e v ant s ec ur i t i es of an off er ee c o m pan y or of an y s ec ur i ti es exc hang e off er or ( bei n g an y off er or other than an off er or i n r es pec t of w hi c h i t has been an no unc ed th at i ts o ff er i s , or i s li k el y to be, s o l e l y i n c a s h) m us t m a k e an O pen i ng P os i ti on D i sc l os ur e f ol l o w i ng the c o m m enc e m ent of the of fer per i o d an d, i f l at er , f ol l o w i n g th e ann ou nc em ent i n whi c h an y s ec ur i ti es exc han ge off er or i s f i rs t i denti f i ed. A n O pe ni n g P osi ti o n Di sc l os ur e m us t c ontai n deta il s of the pers on ' s i nt er es ts and s hor t pos i ti ons i n, an d r i gh ts to s ubscr i be f or , an y r el e v ant s ec ur i t i es of eac h of ( i ) the off er ee c om p an y an d  (i i ) an y s ec ur i ti e s exc hange off er or ( s) . A n O pen i ng P o s i ti o n Di scl os ur e b y a pers on to whom Rul e 8.3( a) ap pl i es m us t be m ade b y n o l at er tha n  3 .30 pm ( London t i m e) on the 10t h busi nes s  da yf ol l o w i ng th e c o m m enc e m ent of the off er peri od and, i f ap pr opri ate, b y no l at er th an 3 .30 pm ( Londo n t i m e ) on the 10 th busi nes s da y f oll o w i ng the a nno unc em ent i n w h i c h an y s ec ur i ti e s exc hange off er or i s f i rs t i dent i f i ed. R el e v a nt pers ons w h o dea l i n the r el ev ant s ec ur i t i es of the off er ee c o m pan y or of a s ec ur i ti es exc hange off er or pr i or to the dea dl i ne f or m a k i ng an O peni n g P os i t i on Di scl os ur e m us t i ns tead m a k e a Dea l i ng D i scl os ur e.

Under Rul e 8. 3( b) of th e C ode, an y pers on who i s , or bec om es , i nter es ted i n 1 % or m or e of an ycl as s of r el ev a nt s ec ur i ti es of the off er ee c o m pany or of an y s ec ur i ti es exc hange off er or m u s t m a k e a De al i n g D i sc l os ur e i f th e pers on dea l s i n an y r el e v a nt s ec ur i ti es of the off er ee c o m pan y or of an y s ec ur i ti es exc hang e off er or . A De al i ng Di sc l os ur e m us t c ontai n det ai l s of the dea l i ng c onc er ne d an d of th e p ers on' s i n ter es t s and s hor t pos i t i o ns i n, and r i gh ts to s ubscr i be f or , an y r e l e v ant s ec ur i ti es of eac h of ( i ) the off er ee c o m pan y a nd(i i ) an y s ec ur i t i es exc hange off er or , s av e to t he ex ten t tha t thes e deta il s hav e pr e v i ous l y be en d i scl os ed un der Rul e 8 . A Deal i n g Di sc l os ur eb y a pers o n to w hom Rul e 8 .3( b) app l i es m us t be m ade b y no l ater t han 3.3 0 pm ( Londo n ti m e) on the bus i nes s da y fo ll o wi n g th e d ate of the r e l e v ant dea li n g.

If tw o or m or e pers ons ac t togeth er purs uan t to an agr eem ent or unders tan di ng, w he ther f or m al or i nf or m al , to ac qui r e or c ontr o l an i nter es t i n r el e v a nt s ec ur i t i es of an off er ee c o m pan y or a s ec ur i t i es ex c hange off er or , the y wi l l b e deem ed to b e a si ngl e p ers on f or the pur pos e of Rul e 8.3 .

O peni ng P osi ti o n D i sc l os ur es m us t al s o be m adeb y t he off er ee c om pan y a nd b y an y off er or and De al i ng D i sc l os ur es m us t al s o be m ade b y th e off er ee c o m pan y , b y an y of fer or and b y an y pers ons ac ti n g i n c onc er t w i t h an y of them (s ee Rul es 8 .1, 8.2 and 8.4) .

Deta il s of th e off er ee an d off er or c o m pani es i n r es pe c t of w h os e r e l e v an t s ec uri ti es O pe ni ng P os i t i on D i sc l os ur es a nd D eal i ng D i sc l os ur es m us t be m ade c an be f oun d i n the Di sc l os ur e T abl e on the T ak eov er P a nel ' s w ebs i te at eta k eov er pan el . or , i ncl udi ng d eta il s of the n um ber of r el ev ant s ec ur i ti es i n i ss ue, w he n t he o ff er per i od c om m enc ed and w he n a n y off er or w as f i rs t i d ent i f i ed. Y o u s ho ul d c on tac t t he P ane l' s Mar k et S ur v ei l l anc e Uni t on + 44 ( 0) 20 763 8 012 9 i f y o u ar e i n an y d oub t as to whethe r y o u ar e r equ i r ed to m a k e an O peni ng P os i t i on Di scl os ur e or a De al i ng D i sc l os ur e.

No Offer or Solicitation

This document is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell, or an invitation to subscribe for, purchase or exchange, any securities or the solicitation of any vote or approval in any jurisdiction, nor shall there be any sale, issuance, exchange or transfer of the securities referred to in this document in any jurisdiction in contravention of applicable law.

Forward-Looking Statements

This document may contain statements concerning certain trends, expectations, forecasts, estimates, or other forward-looking information affecting or relating to Synergy or STERIS or its industry, products or activities that are intended to qualify for the protections afforded "forward-looking statements" under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and other laws and regulations. Forward-looking statements speak only as to the date of this document and may be identified by the use of forward-looking terms such as "may," "will," "expects," "believes," "anticipates," "plans," "estimates," "projects," "targets," "forecasts," "outlook," "impact," "potential," "confidence," "improve," "optimistic," "deliver," "comfortable," "trend", and "seeks," or the negative of such terms or other variations on such terms or comparable terminology. Many important factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements including, without limitation, disruption of production or supplies, changes in market conditions, political events, pending or future claims or litigation, competitive factors, technology advances, actions of regulatory agencies, and changes in laws, government regulations, labeling or product approvals or the application or interpretation thereof. Other risk factors are described herein and in STERIS and Synergy's other securities filings, including Item 1A of STERIS's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended March 31, 2014 dated May 29, 2014 and in Synergy's annual report and accounts for the year ended 30 March 2014 (section headed "principal risks and uncertainties"). Many of these important factors are outside of STERIS's or Synergy's control. No assurances can be provided as to any result or the timing of any outcome regarding matters described herein or otherwise with respect to any regulatory action, administrative proceedings, government investigations, litigation, warning letters, consent decree, cost reductions, business strategies, earnings or revenue trends or future financial results. References to products and the consent decree are summaries only and should not be considered the specific terms of the decree or product clearance or literature. Unless legally required, STERIS and Synergy do not undertake to update or revise any forward-looking statements even if events make clear that any projected results, express or implied, will not be realized. Other potential risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements include, without limitation, (a) the receipt of approval of both STERIS's shareholders and Synergy's shareholders, (b) the regulatory approvals required for the transaction not being obtained on the terms expected or on the anticipated schedule, (c) the parties' ability to meet expectations regarding the timing, completion and accounting and tax treatments of the transaction, (d) the possibility that the parties may be unable to achieve expected synergies and operating efficiencies in connection with the transaction within the expected time-frames or at all and to successfully integrate Synergy's operations into those of STERIS, (e) the integration of Synergy's operations into those of STERIS being more difficult, time-consuming or costly than expected, (f) operating costs, customer loss and business disruption (including, without limitation, difficulties in maintaining relationships with employees, customers, clients or suppliers) being greater than expected following the transaction, (g) the retention of certain key employees of Synergy being difficult, (h) changes in tax laws or interpretations that could increase our consolidated tax liabilities, including, if the transaction is consummated, changes in tax laws that would result in New STERIS being treated as a domestic corporation for United States federal tax purposes, (i) the potential for increased pressure on pricing or costs that leads to erosion of profit margins, (j) the possibility that market demand will not develop for new technologies, products or applications or services, or business initiatives will take longer, cost more or produce lower benefits than anticipated, (k) the possibility that application of or compliance with laws, court rulings, certifications, regulations, regulatory actions, including without limitation those relating to FDA warning notices or letters, government investigations, the outcome of any pending FDA requests, inspections or submissions, or other requirements or standards may delay, limit or prevent new product introductions, affect the production and marketing of existing products or services or otherwise affect Company performance, results, prospects or value, (l) the potential of international unrest, economic downturn or effects of currencies, tax assessments, adjustments or anticipated rates, raw material costs or availability, benefit or retirement plan costs, or other regulatory compliance costs, (m) the possibility of reduced demand, or reductions in the rate of growth in demand, for products and services, (n) the possibility that anticipated growth, cost savings, new product acceptance, performance or approvals, or other results may not be achieved, or that transition, labor, competition, timing, execution, regulatory, governmental, or other issues or risks associated with STERIS and Synergy's businesses, industry or initiatives including, without limitation, the consent decree or those matters described in STERIS's Form 10-K for the year ended March 31, 2014 and other securities filings, may adversely impact Company performance, results, prospects or value, (o) the possibility that anticipated financial results or benefits of recent acquisitions, or of STERIS's restructuring efforts will not be realized or will be other than anticipated, (p) the effects of the contractions in credit availability, as well as the ability of STERIS and Synergy's customers and suppliers to adequately access the credit markets when needed, and (q) those risks described in STERIS's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended March 31, 2014, and other securities filings.

Important Additional Information Regarding the Transaction Will Be Filed With The SEC It is expected that the shares of New STERIS to be issued by New STERIS to Synergy Shareholders in the English law scheme of arrangement transaction that forms a part of the transaction will be issued in reliance upon the exemption from the registration requirements of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, provided by Section 3(a)(10) thereof.

In connection with the issuance of New STERIS shares to STERIS shareholders pursuant to the merger that forms a part of the transaction, New STERIS will file with the SEC a registration statement on Form S-4 that will contain a prospectus of New STERIS as well as a proxy statement of STERIS relating to the merger that forms a part of the transaction, which we refer to together as the Form S-4/Proxy Statement.

INVESTORS AND SECURITY HOLDERS ARE URGED TO READ THE FORM S-4/PROXY STATEMENT, AND OTHER DOCUMENTS FILED WITH THE SEC IN CONNECTION WITH THE TRANSACTION CAREFULLY AND IN THEIR ENTIRETY, BECAUSE THEY WILL CONTAIN IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THE TRANSACTION, THE PARTIES TO THE TRANSACTION AND THE RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH THE TRANSACTION. Those documents, if and when filed, as well as STERIS'S and New STERIS's other public filings with the SEC may be obtained without charge at the SEC's website at, at STERIS's website at . Security holders and other interested parties will also be able to obtain, without charge, a copy of the Form S-4/Proxy Statement and other relevant documents (when available) by directing a request by mail or telephone or (440) 392-7245. Security holders may also read and copy any reports, statements and other information filed with the SEC at the SEC public reference room at 100 F Street N.E., Room 1580, Washington, D.C. 20549. Please call the SEC at (800) 732-0330 or visit the SEC's website for further information on its public reference room.

STERIS, its directors and certain of its executive officers may be considered participants in the solicitation of proxies in connection with the transactions contemplated by the Proxy Statement. Information about the directors and executive officers of STERIS is set forth in its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended March 31, 2014, which was filed with the SEC on May 29, 2014, and its proxy statement for its 2014 annual meeting of shareholders, which was filed with the SEC on June 9, 2014. Other information regarding potential participants in the proxy solicitations and a description of their direct and indirect interests, by security holdings or otherwise, will be contained in the Form S-4/Proxy Statement when it is filed.

Synergy and New STERIS are each organized under the laws of England and Wales. Some of the officers and directors of Synergy and New STERIS are residents of countries other than the United States. As a result, it may not be possible to sue Synergy, New STERIS or such persons in a non-US court for violations of US securities laws. It may be difficult to compel Synergy, New STERIS and their respective affiliates to subject themselves to the jurisdiction and judgment of a US court or for investors to enforce against them the judgments of US courts.

Participants in the Solicitation

STERIS, its directors and certain of its executive officers may be considered participants in the solicitation of proxies in connection with the transactions contemplated by the Proxy Statement. Information about the directors and executive officers of STERIS is set forth in its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended March 31, 2014, which was filed with the SEC on May 29, 2014, and its proxy statement for its 2014 annual meeting of shareholders, which was filed with the SEC on June 9, 2014. Other information regarding potential participants in the proxy solicitations and a description of their direct and indirect interests, by security holdings or otherwise, will be contained in the Proxy Statement/Prospectus when it is filed.

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