[17 October, 2014]

Toshiba was selected by CDP to be included in the Climate Disclosure Leaders Index (CDLI*1) in "The CDP Japan 500 Climate Change Report 2014" and the Climate Performance Leadership Index (CPLI*2) in the "The CDP Climate Performance Leadership Index 2014".

*1The world's most advanced companies in the depth and quality of disclosure on climate change*2The world's most advanced companies in corporate action for climate change

CDP is a London based international, not-for-profit organization providing global system for companies and cities to measure, disclose, manage and share vital environmental information.

Recognized for its initiatives to tackle climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, Toshiba received a score of 100/100 for disclosure, which is the first time ever  for a Japanese company, while achieving the highest Band-A for performance, thus entering the CDLI and CPLI index. 

2014 marks the 12th year since CDP's information request has been sent to global companies and it is the 9th year CDP publishes"CDP Japan 500 Climate Change Report" targeting Japanese companies. The 500 companies highlighted in this year's report is selected by the Japanese network of United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) Initiative, on the base of FTSE Japan Index.

Toshiba Group has developed Environmental Vision 2050, a corporate vision that envisages affluent lifestyles in harmony with the Earth as an ideal situation of mankind in 2050. On the basis of this vision, Toshiba promotes environmental management deploying the four "Green" initiatives, 1) "Greening of Products" (Creation of products with the highest level of environmental performance), 2) "Greening by Technology" (Low-carbon energy technologies), 3) "Greening of Process" (Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing), and 4) "Green Management" (Continuous improvement of the foundation of environmental management). Through these initiatives, Toshiba will aim to become one  of the world's foremost eco-companies trusted by the society.

Related Links

For details of "The A List: The CDP Climate Performance Leadership Index 2014", please see below website:

  • Revealed: the companies doing the most to combat climate change(A new window will open.)

Hisao Tanaka, President and CEO of Toshiba Corporation, giving a speech at CDP2014 reporting event in Japan

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