
Notice reference number: 0664.14.06 Notice date: 24/06/2014

What's this about? Effective date: 24/06/2014

ASX Trade ASX 24

Trading Clearing Settlement

Operations Technology Market Data Rules Compliance Risk Other


Westfield Corporation - Admission and Commencement of Official Quotation


Security holders of Westfield Group (WDC) and Westfield Retail Trust (WRT) approved by the requisite majorities at meetings held on 29 May 2014 and 20 June 2014, resolutions in relation to a restructure of WDC (Restructure) and a merger of the Australian and New Zealand business of WDC with WRT (Merger Proposal).
As part of the Restructure, it is anticipated that Westfield Corporation Limited (Company) and WFD Trust (Trust) will be admitted to the Official List of ASX Limited (ASX) on Wednesday 25 June 2014.
Each fully paid ordinary share in the Company and each fully paid ordinary unit in the Trust will be stapled to a fully paid ordinary unit in Westfield America Trust forming a new stapled security which will trade under the name Westfield Corporation (Group) (ASX Code: WFD)
Official quotation of the Group's stapled securities is expected to commence at 10:09am (+/- 15 secs) AEST on
Wednesday 25 June 2014 on a deferred settlement basis.

Quoted Securities:2,078,089,686 stapled securities


Time:10:09am (+/- 15 secs) AEST

Date:Wednesday 25 June 2014

ASX Trade Abbreviation:WESTFIELDC


Home Branch:Sydney

Industry Classification:4040 Real Estate

Australian Registered Office:Level 30

85 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Principal Administrative Office: As above Phone: +61 2 9358 7000

Company Secretary:Simon Tuxen

Share Registry:Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited

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ASX Notice (continued)

60 Carrington Street
Sydney NSW 2000

Balance Date:31 December

CHESS:Participating. The Company will also operate an issuer sponsored subregister.

Place of Incorporation:Company: Victoria/ Trust: New South Wales

Dividend Policy:See pages 22 and 154 of the Westfield Group SecurityHolder Booklet dated 14 April


Activities:Property Management and Development

ASX Restricted Securities:Nil

Securities not quoted:Nil


The following timetable is for the deferred settlement trading in the Group's stapled securities.

What do I need to do and by when?

Please refer to the Westfield Group SecurityHolder Booklet dated 14 April 2014.

Need more information?

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ASX Notice (continued)

Far further information please cali the Westfield Group Securityholder lnformation Line on 1800 674 015 (within Australia) or on +61 3 9415 4121 (outside Australia) at any time from 8.30am to 5.00pm (Sydney time) Monday to Friday.

lssued by

Simon Daniels

Contact Details

(02) 9227 0137


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