10 November, 2014 WIKA to Publish MTN IDR 600 billion

PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk. (WIKA) published WIKA Medium Term Note (MTN) I /2014 amounted to IDR600 billion. MTN issuance signed by the Director of Finance, Adji Frimantoro and Director of Operations III, Destiawan Soewardjono with PT Mandiri Securities and PT Bahana Securities as arranger on the issuance of MTN at WIKA Building, Wednesday, November 5, 2014.

The MTN has a period of 3 years from the date published on November 5, 2014 to November 5, 2017 with the interest at 9.80%. The proceeds from the issuance of WIKA MTN I/ 2014 will be used to support the business development of the Company and subsidiaries of the company, among other things: improve the capital structure to restructure short-term loans into medium/long-term loans, meet working capital the Company's operations, and obtain term funding medium with a competitive interest rate.

In terms of ability to meet long-term financial commitments, PEFINDO assign ratings "idA + '(Single A Plus; stable outlook) for general obligation WIKA 2013-2014 period. Rating "idA +" reflects the Company has a strong ability to meet long-term financial commitments.

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