10th April 2013
The Manager
Market Announcements Platform
Australian Securities Exchange

Share Purchase Plan Shares Closed World Reach Limited

ABN 39010 568 804

5 / 8 Anzed Court, Mulgrave, Victoria, Australia 3170

T +61 3 8561 4200 F +61 3 9560 9055

E info@worldreach.com.au
W www.worldreach.com.au
World Reach Limited advises that the Share Purchase Plan which allowed existing shareholders to 'top up' holdings closed as anticipated at the end of the day Friday 5th April 2013. Eighteen existing shareholders applied for shares under the Share Purchase Plan.
A total of $50,000 was raised which will assist with new product development work. The issue price is $0.20 per share and 250,000 ordinary shares will be issued on 12th April 2013.
Yours faithfully

Dennis Payne
Company Secretary

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