
Ziggo offers employees and visitors the means to recharge their electric vehicles. The Rovitech Projects ICT company has been contracted by Ziggo to place a number of charging stations. The user-friendly charging stations will be placed in the parking lots of Ziggo locations around the country: Utrecht, Groningen, The Hague, Eindhoven, Zwolle and Heerhugowaard. Users will be able to activate the charging post with their charge pass or mobile phone.

A significant drawback for people to start driving electric is that there not enough charging stations and that they are also often inconveniently located. The Ziggo charging stations will be suitable for charging electric vehicles, electric scooters and electric bicycles. Rovitech Projects ICT will have the charging stations installed by the end of September.

With the placement of the charging stations at the office locations, Ziggo wants to stimulate its employees to live green. Ziggo has also begun a trial period for leasing electric cars instead of cars that run on traditional fuels. In addition to learning about the users experiences, the trial is also intended to find out if this is a way for Ziggo to do something positive for the environment and lower costs.

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