Who is Yakub Zakriev?

* Zakriev was born on Oct. 16, 1990, in Chechnya. He is the son of Zulai, one of Kadyrov's elder sisters. He studied at Moscow's Suvorov Military School and at the higher audit school of Moscow State University.

* He has held a series of official jobs in the Chechen government since 2013 when he was appointed as deputy head of the administration of both the head of Chechnya and the government of Chechnya.

* From 2018 to 2020, Zakriev was mayor of the Chechen capital Grozny.

* From February to November 2020, he was appointed head of the administration of both the head and the government of Chechnya.

* In 2020, he was appointed deputy prime minister of Chechnya and agriculture minister. As of Monday, he was no longer agriculture minister.

Sources: Official biography of Zakriev supplied by the Chechen government.

(Reporting by Guy Faulconbridge; Editing by Angus MacSwan)