Non-binding voluntary Translation Ad hoc Announcement in accordance with Section § 15 of the Securities Trade Act Advanced Inflight Alliance AG: New Member of the Supervisory Board appointed Munich, March 8, 2013 - Advanced Inflight Alliance AG (ISIN DE0001262186, WKN 126218, Schellingstraße 35, 80799 Munich) has been informed by the Registration Court of Munich that Mr. Robert William Reding, MBA (Master of Business Administration) and former Executive Vice President Operations of American Airlines, has been appointed to the company's Supervisory Board in accordance with the resolution of the Registration Court of March 8, 2013. This appointment by court was made at the corresponding request of the Management Board after the Chairman of the Company´s Supervisory Board, Mr. Ed Shapiro, stepped down with immediate effect as stated in the ad hoc announcement of February 1, 2013. As a result, the Supervisory Board of the company is now again a fully constituted three- member body that has a quorum.

Advanced Inflight Alliance AG Management Board

Advanced Inflight Alliance AG

Schellingstr. 35 | 80799 München | Tel.: 089 613805-0 | Fax: 089 613805-55 | |

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