Wholesaler improves order picking productivity by 15% with Aldata voice-directed warehousing. Implementation undertaken by Aldata partner Timcod.

"Just one month after going into production with Aldata's Voice-Directed Warehousing, we are seeing benefits. In the short-term we expect to increase productivity by more than 15%"

About Union Primeurs Laurance
Founded in 1945, Union Primeurs Laurance is a leading Fresh Produce and Perishable goods wholesaler serving the Paris / greater Paris area of France and employees 130 people. Customers include independent retailers, fine-dining restaurants as well as caterers.

About Timcod
Timcod specialises in IT solutions for mobile workers, in the warehouse and also on the road - logistics, transport, sales forces and technical engineers. http://www.timcod.fr/

Why did Union Primeurs Laurance select Aldata's Voice Directed Warehousing

  • The wholesaler wanted to improve employee productivity. After reviewing market options, Union Primeurs Laurance moved ahead with Timcod's proposal for Aldata's Voice-Directed Warehousing with the solution going live in October.
  • Prior to the implementation, the wholesaler had 5 order preparation teams each consisting of supervisor and 4 operators. Now there is one preparation team for all order preparation which has generated productivity improvements. Moreover, the supervisors, who can manage the voice-directed picking operations remotely, can quickly identify and resolve any issues enabling further picking productivity gains.
  • Aldata's Voice-Directed Warehousing is a single solution for warehouse applications and easily integrates with legacy or commercial warehouse management systems. Its multi-modal capabilities enable users to interact in multiple ways including screen, keyboard and barcode reader. Operators only need to learn how to use one device for multiple levels of applications, including voice-directed operations.
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