Press Release

Alpha PetroVision begins with the first horizontal drilling in the Caddo Pine oil field

St. Gallen, 4. September 2015 - Alpha PetroVision Holding AG (APV, SIX:APHN) has started the construction of the first horizontal well in Caddo Pine, Louisiana., in cooperation with Baker Huges. The project will be financed by a loan of USD 3 million, which will be made available by Solivag Holding AG, a company controlled by Dr. Walter Meier, Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO a.i. of APV. The first results of the drilling are expected in the second half of 2015.

The Caddo Pine site in which APV owns 100% of the mineral rights and 75% of the revenues interest encompasses an area of approximately 3385 hectares (8365 Acres). The oil resources of the Annona Chalk Formation, with estimated oil reserves of 330 million barrels, are located beneath the Caddo Lake. Currently only a test well is in operation. Production in this area so far has been insignificant. With the first horizontal well, APV intends to develop the oil field and increase its production. According to an up-to-date analysis undertaken on behalf of APV, the project in Caddo Pine could prove economically viable even at the current low price of oil. Construction of the horizontal well will be completed in the second half of
2015 after which it will go into production.
To secure the operations of the ongoing business, the APV Board of Directors has decided to finance the drilling through a project loan. Solivag Holding AG will grant APV Caddo Pine LLC, a 100% owned Group company of Alpha PetroVision Holding AG, a loan of USD 3 million with a term until the end of February 2017. The loan bears an interest of 10% per annum and is secured against 100% of the assets of APV Caddo Pine LLC. In addition, APV has granted Solivag Holding AG the right to convert the project loan into royalty interests (35% of the revenue from the oil production of the well) at any time throughout its entire term.

Alpha PetroVision Holding AG Dufourpark/Rötelistr. 16 CH -9000 St.Gallen

Telefon +41 71 388 90 00 Fax +41 71 388 90 09

Media contact:
Jan Gregor
Gregor Communications Tel: +41 44 212 41 41
Additional information:
Alpha PetroVision Holding AG Dufourpark / Rötelistrasse 16
CH - 9000 St. Gallen Tel: +41 71 388 90 00

Alpha PetroVision Holding AG Dufourpark/Rötelistr. 16 CH -9000 St.Gallen

Telefon +41 71 388 90 00 Fax +41 71 388 90 09

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