8 February 2013
Alternative Energy Limited
("Alternative Energy", "AEL" or the "Company")
Further to the announcement of (i) 14 January 2013 in respect of the despatch of an offering letter dated 14 January 2013 (the "Offering Lette1·") and the accompanying application form (the "Application Form") containing the terms and conditions ofthe Preferential Offering to the Entit!ed Shareholders; and (ii) 24 January 2013 in respect of the extension of the Closing Date for the Preferential Offering, the Company wishes to announce that the Closing Date for the Preferential Offering will be further extended to the following date(s) and time(s):
(a) in respect of applications by the Entitled Scripholders, 3.00p.m. (Singapore time)
on 28 February 2013 (Thursday); and
(b) in respect of applications by the Entitled Depositary Interest Holders, 3.00p.m. (UK time) on 28 February 2013 (Thursday).
Accordingly, the indicative timetab1e for the implementation of the Preferential Offering is now revised and set out as follows:
Opening Date of the Preferential Offering : 14 January 2013
C1osing Date ofthe Preferential Offering for the Entitled Scripho1ders
28 February 2013 at 3.00p.m. (Singapore time)
C1osing Date of the Preferential Offering for the Entitled Depositary Interest Holders
28 February 2013 at 3.00p.m. (UK time)
Expected date of commencement of trading of Preferential Offering Shares on AIM
7 March 2013
Expected date for refund of unsuccessfu1 applications (if any)
14 March 2013
The dates set out in the timetable above are indicative only and are subject to change at the Company's absolute cliscretion. The Company intencls to announce any change (inclucling any determination ofthe relevant clates) to the timetable above once the Company becomes aware or cletermines the necessity of such changes.
Ali capitalisecl terms usecl but not clefinecl herein shall have the same meaning ascribecl to them in the Offering Letter ancl which were also set out at the end of the announcement releasecl on the 14 January 2013 in rclation lo the clespatch of the Offering Letter, unless expressly provicled or the context requires otherwise.


About Altemative Energy

Altemative Energy Limited is headqumiered in Singapore. Through its temu of Singapore based engineers, Altemative Energy has developed a number of technologies including its patented roof based energy system, the eRoof. The Company is now producing its third generation eRoof far commerciai roll aut this year. The Company is also developing a number of energy saving technologies designed to reduce power consumption, led by its LED lighting systems, which will combine with its energy generation systems to enable the creation of energy self sufficient buildings.


Far further informatian please see the Company's website: www.alternativenergy.com.sg or please contact:

Richard Lascelles, Independent Non-executive Director Te!: 020 7408 l 067

Roland Comish, Emily Staples and James Bidd!e, Beaumont Cornish Limited Tel: 020 7628


Eric Goh, Executive Director Te!: +65 68737782


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