quinta-feira, Julho 9, 2015

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Alan Chapple (Midia)
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Email: investorrelations@aprenergy.com

Richard Campbell (CNC Communications)
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JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- APR Energy plc (LSE: APR), a global leader in fast-track power solutions, today announces that it has extended and expanded its interim power solution for Société Nationale d'Éléctricité du Sénégal (Senelec), Senegal's national electric utility. The requirements include installation and operation of an additional 48MW of mobile diesel-powered generation, including assets being redeployed from Libya, to supplement an existing 20MW block of power at APR Energy's Kounoune site. The contract term for the combined 68MW extends into the fourth quarter of 2015.

APR Energy also announces that it has extended its 40MW mobile gas turbine project in Rocha Pinto, Angola, through late in the fourth quarter of 2015. Located near the capital city of Luanda, the project is one of two the Company has in Angola, the third-largest economy in Africa. APR Energy provides an additional 40MW of power generation at its plant in Morro Bento, which was extended through the first quarter of 2016 earlier this year.

The Angola and Senegal projects, together with additional plant sites in Botswana and Mali, combine to provide more than 180MW of power generation capacity to Sub-Saharan Africa.

"The expansions in Senegal and Angola are a testament to the reliable power solutions that we offer, as well as another indication that our customers place great value on the operational excellence we bring to our projects," said Laurence Anderson, Chief Executive Officer at APR Energy. "We are pleased to continue these important relationships with our utility partners, and are proud to contribute to the economic growth in this region of the world."

Executive Chairman John Campion added: "Power extensions and expansions like the ones in Angola and Senegal are a fundamental element of our business strategy. The planning, financing and construction of permanent power plants can take many years, and our mobile gas turbines and power modules are perfect interim solutions that provide customers the flexibility and full service they need during the development of permanent generation."

Sobre a APR Energy
A APR Energy é a principal empresa de energia acelerada de turbina móvel do mundo. Oferecemos energia acelerada em grande escala, e proporcionamos aos clientes o acesso rápido à eletricidade confiável onde e quando quiserem. A APR combina tecnologias modernas com eficiência no consumo de combustível e a melhor experiência do setor, para oferecer usinas elétricas prontas para entrar em funcionamento, que podem ser implementadas com rapidez, são personalizadas e escaláveis. Ao atender o segmento industrial e de serviços públicos, a APR Energy oferece soluções de geração de energia para clientes e comunidades do mundo todo, em ênfase na África, Américas, região Ásia-Pacífico e Oriente Médio. Para mais informações, acesse o site da empresa em www.aprenergy.com.

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