Aurion Resources Ltd. announced the appointment of Mr. Kerry E. Sparkes to the Board of Directors. Mr. Sparkes has over 30 years experience in the mineral exploration business as both an exploration geologist and executive. His career has included the exploration, delineation and development of 2 major Canadian deposits, both of which were the subject of takeovers. He is currently the Vice President-Geology for Franco-Nevada Corp. and was previously Vice President-Exploration at Rainy River Resources Ltd., Vice President-Exploration at Messina Minerals Inc., Senior Geologist at Voisey's Bay Nickel Co. Ltd., Exploration Manager of Archean Resources Ltd., as well as President of Sparkes Consulting Inc. Mr. Sparkes has previously held a number of board seats, including the Board of Directors of Sphinx Resources Ltd., Knight Metals Ltd., and was a founder and director of Orla Mining Ltd.