R : 51 2 p' o l




We hereby submit Form 605 as attached. Best regards,

Ayumi Machida

TEL : 81·3·6250·3978

e-mail : ayumi_machida@hd.mufg.jp

This fax message contains confidential and/or personal information, which should not be read by a person other than the specified addressee, disclosed or copied. If you have received this fax in errar, please contact the number indicated.


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Mr. Masaya Fujimoto c:ap. ; city Authoriseçl sigMtory


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dale ù9 September 2014


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(1) lf there are a number of $1,lb t ntial holders with similar or related rerevant interests (eg. a corporation and its r-erated corporatlons, orlhe manager and trustee of an equlty trust), the names could be lncluded in an annexurn to ll'lé form. lf lhe relevant interests of a gtoup of persons are e:s:sentially similar, théY l'r'ISy be referred to throughoulthe form as a specific:ally named group lf the membership of each group, wilh the names and addmsses of rnembers rs clearly seout in p ragraph 4 of the form.

(2) See the deflnltlon of ··relevanlinterest" In sections 608 and 6718(7) of the Corporations Acl 2001.

(3) See the deflnltlon of "associate" in section 9 of the Corporations Act 2001.

(4) Include details of.

(a) any l'elevant agreement or other circumstancas because ofwhlch the change in relevant lnterest occufred. lf subsection 6719(4) applies, a copy of MY dOI::ument setling out the terms of any relevant agreement, and a stabilrnent by lhe perton giving full and a!Xìurale d@:tails of any conlract, scheme or a .lilngli!rnenl, must accompany. this form, togethli!r with a wrltten staternent certifylng lhis contract, st::Mtne or arrangement; Md

(b) any q , alffication of lhe power of a person lo e::.::erci ;>e, controllhe exercise of, or influence lhe exerclse of, the voting powers or di.sposal of lhe se:curities to whfch the relevant intarest relates (indioating clearly the partlcular ;>li!curilies to which the qualifioation applies).

See lhe def1nitiDn of "relevant agreemenf' ill section 9 of the Corporatlons Act 2001.

(5) oetails ofthe conslderation mu.st include any andali benefits, moneys and olher, that any person from whorn a relevanllnteres.t was acquired has, or may, beeome entitled to recaive il'l relation to lhaL acquisition. Detalrs m , st be included even if the benefit is condilional on the happening or not of a continsency. Details must be lncll,lçled of any benenL paid on behalf of the :substantial holde:r or its associate iO relation to tllg a ::auisitions, even if théy

are noipaid directly to the person frorn whom the relev.;mt intereslwas a.cquired.
(6) The voting shares of a: coml)any constitute oM clç.$$ unless dlvlded irato separate classes.
(7) Give detalls. if a p ol)riate, of the présent .association and any change in that assoeiation since lhe rast substaotial holding notice.


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Mr. Masaya Fujimoto c:ap. ; city Authoriseçl sigMtory


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dale ù9 September 2014


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(1) lf there are a number of $1,lb t ntial holders with similar or related rerevant interests (eg. a corporation and its r-erated corporatlons, orlhe manager and trustee of an equlty trust), the names could be lncluded in an annexurn to ll'lé form. lf lhe relevant interests of a gtoup of persons are e:s:sentially similar, théY l'r'ISy be referred to throughoulthe form as a specific:ally named group lf the membership of each group, wilh the names and addmsses of rnembers rs clearly seout in p ragraph 4 of the form.

(2) See the deflnltlon of ··relevanlinterest" In sections 608 and 6718(7) of the Corporations Acl 2001.

(3) See the deflnltlon of "associate" in section 9 of the Corporations Act 2001.

(4) Include details of.

(a) any l'elevant agreement or other circumstancas because ofwhlch the change in relevant lnterest occufred. lf subsection 6719(4) applies, a copy of MY dOI::ument setling out the terms of any relevant agreement, and a stabilrnent by lhe perton giving full and a!Xìurale d@:tails of any conlract, scheme or a .lilngli!rnenl, must accompany. this form, togethli!r with a wrltten staternent certifylng lhis contract, st::Mtne or arrangement; Md

(b) any q , alffication of lhe power of a person lo e::.::erci ;>e, controllhe exercise of, or influence lhe exerclse of, the voting powers or di.sposal of lhe se:curities to whfch the relevant intarest relates (indioating clearly the partlcular ;>li!curilies to which the qualifioation applies).

See lhe def1nitiDn of "relevant agreemenf' ill section 9 of the Corporatlons Act 2001.

(5) oetails ofthe conslderation mu.st include any andali benefits, moneys and olher, that any person from whorn a relevanllnteres.t was acquired has, or may, beeome entitled to recaive il'l relation to lhaL acquisition. Detalrs m , st be included even if the benefit is condilional on the happening or not of a continsency. Details must be lncll,lçled of any benenL paid on behalf of the :substantial holde:r or its associate iO relation to tllg a ::auisitions, even if théy

are noipaid directly to the person frorn whom the relev.;mt intereslwas a.cquired.
(6) The voting shares of a: coml)any constitute oM clç.$$ unless dlvlded irato separate classes.
(7) Give detalls. if a p ol)riate, of the présent .association and any change in that assoeiation since lhe rast substaotial holding notice.

R : 51 2 p' o 4


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Mr. Masaya Fujimoto c:ap. ; city Authoriseçl sigMtory


print name

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dale ù9 September 2014


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(1) lf there are a number of $1,lb t ntial holders with similar or related rerevant interests (eg. a corporation and its r-erated corporatlons, orlhe manager and trustee of an equlty trust), the names could be lncluded in an annexurn to ll'lé form. lf lhe relevant interests of a gtoup of persons are e:s:sentially similar, théY l'r'ISy be referred to throughoulthe form as a specific:ally named group lf the membership of each group, wilh the names and addmsses of rnembers rs clearly seout in p ragraph 4 of the form.

(2) See the deflnltlon of ··relevanlinterest" In sections 608 and 6718(7) of the Corporations Acl 2001.

(3) See the deflnltlon of "associate" in section 9 of the Corporations Act 2001.

(4) Include details of.

(a) any l'elevant agreement or other circumstancas because ofwhlch the change in relevant lnterest occufred. lf subsection 6719(4) applies, a copy of MY dOI::ument setling out the terms of any relevant agreement, and a stabilrnent by lhe perton giving full and a!Xìurale d@:tails of any conlract, scheme or a .lilngli!rnenl, must accompany. this form, togethli!r with a wrltten staternent certifylng lhis contract, st::Mtne or arrangement; Md

(b) any q , alffication of lhe power of a person lo e::.::erci ;>e, controllhe exercise of, or influence lhe exerclse of, the voting powers or di.sposal of lhe se:curities to whfch the relevant intarest relates (indioating clearly the partlcular ;>li!curilies to which the qualifioation applies).

See lhe def1nitiDn of "relevant agreemenf' ill section 9 of the Corporatlons Act 2001.

(5) oetails ofthe conslderation mu.st include any andali benefits, moneys and olher, that any person from whorn a relevanllnteres.t was acquired has, or may, beeome entitled to recaive il'l relation to lhaL acquisition. Detalrs m , st be included even if the benefit is condilional on the happening or not of a continsency. Details must be lncll,lçled of any benenL paid on behalf of the :substantial holde:r or its associate iO relation to tllg a ::auisitions, even if théy

are noipaid directly to the person frorn whom the relev.;mt intereslwas a.cquired.
(6) The voting shares of a: coml)any constitute oM clç.$$ unless dlvlded irato separate classes.
(7) Give detalls. if a p ol)riate, of the présent .association and any change in that assoeiation since lhe rast substaotial holding notice.

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