Avinger, Inc. announced the successful completion of the first clinical cases with the new Tigereye ST image-guided CTO crossing system. Dr. Ian Cawich, an interventional cardiologist at Arkansas Heart Hospital, and Dr. Jaafer Golzar, an interventional cardiologist at Advocate Christ Medical Center and Avinger's Chief Medical Officer, performed the first cases with the new system. Since the initiation of limited launch in May, four physicians at 5 U.S. hospital sites have successfully used Tigereye ST to treat CTOs in 14 separate procedures across a variety of lesion types and locations both above and below the knee.

Tigereye ST expands and advances Avinger's proprietary image-guided CTO product line with compelling new features and benefits. Tigereye ST incorporates design upgrades to the tip configuration and catheter shaft to increase crossing power and procedural success in challenging lesions, as well as design enhancements for ease of image interpretation during the procedure. Product specifications include a working length of 140 cm, 5 French sheath compatibility, and low crossing profile for treatment of lesions in the peripheral vessels both above and below the knee.

Avinger's proprietary Lumivascular technology allows physicians to see from inside the artery during an atherectomy or CTO crossing procedure by using an imaging modality called optical coherence tomography, or OCT, that is displayed on Avinger's Lightbox console. Physicians performing atherectomy or crossing CTOs with other devices must rely solely on X-ray and tactile feedback to guide their interventions while treating complicated arterial disease. With the Lumivascular approach, physicians can more accurately navigate their devices and treat PAD lesions, due to real-time OCT images generated from inside the artery, without exposing healthcare workers and patients to the negative effects of ionizing radiation.