São Paulo, August 11st, 2015.
The Brazilian Securities Exchange Commission - CVM Att: Superintendence for Monitoring of Companies
In compliance with section 12 of Instruction CVM 358 dated January 3rd, 2002, we attach correspondence received on August 10th, 2015 from Polo Capital, an investor in Banco Industrial e Comercial S.A..
The free translation of the original communication is reproduced in full bellow. Very truly yours,
Milto Bardini
Investor Relations Officer
Rio de Janeiro, August 10th, 2015
To Banco Industrial e Comercial S.A.
Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 4.440 - 2nd floor
São Paulo - SP
Att: Milto Bardini - Investor Relations Officer

Ref: Relevant shareholder participation

Dear Sirs,
In accordance with CVM Instruction 358/02, amended by CVM Instruction 449/07, we announce that the net amount of common shares issued by Banco Industrial e Comercial S.A. (Company) owned by the funds/portfolios under management of Polo Capital Gestão de Recursos Ltda (CNPJS/MF [Taxpayer ID registry]: 05.451.668/0001-79), with headquarters in the city of Rio de Janeiro, state of Rio de Janeiro, at 204, Avenida Ataulfo de Paiva 11th floor, and Polo Capital Internacional Gestão de Recursos Ltda (CNPJ/MF [Taxpayer ID registry]): 08.990.773/0001-74, with headquarters in the city of Rio de Janeiro, state of Rio de Janeiro, at 204, Avenida Ataulfo de Paiva, 11th floor, in aggregate reached the participation of 5.26% of total common shares issued by the Company, what represents
The undersign clarify that, with the acquisitions, they do not intend to acquire the control of the Company, being those acquisitions exclusively intended for investments purposes for the funds/portfolios, and that there is no interest in changing the administrative structure, the controlling block composition or to regulate the Company's running.
Furthermore, it was not celebrated any contract or agreement regulating the exercise of voting rights or the purchase and sale of any securities issued by the Company. Finally, the undersign attest that do not hold any stock debentures convertible into shares issued by the Company.
In accordance with Articl 12, §6o of ICVM 358, we would request the Company's Investor Relations Officer the kindness of taking the necessary measures for the immediate communication of the information herein presented to CVM (Brazilian Securities and Exchange Comission) and Bovespa.
Polo Capital Gestão de Recursos Ltda.
Polo Capital Internacional
Gestão de Recursos Ltda.

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