Esperite with BGI sequencing technology will enable the global population easier access to the gold standard in clinical genetic testing. Esperite's new partner will provide the infrastructure and the technology for massive sequencing of the Whole Genome. BGI has also processed over 10 million clinical samples, including running 2.8 million noninvasive prenatal tests, 2.6 million human papillomavirus tests, 1.5 million hearing impairment tests.

Esperite's companies have developed a specific bioinformatics pipeline and will offer this premium diagnostic solution to patients through their international network of more than 6,000 Doctors, Hospitals and Clinics across Europe, EMEA and Asia. Combined with continuous discoveries and better understanding of genes and diseases as data is processed together with data driven medicine, whole genome sequencing already is and will continue on a larger scale to change current clinical practice by enabling more accurate and sophisticated genetic analysis. BGI has the capacity to handle the very large anticipated amount of tests for this project and will perform the sequencing of the samples with its NGS technology.

Esperite is confident that its technology, validated on thousands of samples is appropriate to offer Precision Medicine at a low entry cost for the entire population. In principle it constitutes a powerful screening tools and an accurate and universal diagnostic test. Once the Genome of a patient is entirely decoded and converted in a personal and confidential file with a size of roughly 80 GigaBytes, Clinical analysis can be performed on demand by using the technology of Esperite.

Sequencing whole genome helps people to improve their health by giving relevant insights into family history, lifestyle and allows to understand inherited diseases risks. Learning if they are a carrier of a genetic condition and what they could pass on to their children is information of most importance.