Ecrypt Technologies, Inc. announced that current CEO, Dr. Thomas A. Cellucci, has been appointed Chairman of the Company's Board of Directors following the amicable resignation of former Chairman, The Hon. Curt Weldon. In addition, the Company has accepted the amicable resignations of The Hon.

Jay Cohen, Dr. Erik Mettala, Thomas N. Trkla, and Brad Lever. Mr. Lever will continue to serve as an officer of the Company. At the same time, the Board appointed Chuck Brooks and Debbie King as Directors to fill two of the vacancies left by the resignations.

Mr. Brooks is currently Vice President and Client Executive for the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) at Xerox. Ms. King has over 25 years of entrepreneurial leadership experience as a business and financial advisor. She brings with her a vast amount of business experience in the startup, acquisition, expansion, and reorganization phases of organizations.