Competitive Technologies Inc. announced the availability of two clinical trial abstracts announced by the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO). Both abstracts indicate positive effects from the use of the Calmare(R) medical device with "Scrambler Therapy"(TM) technology. One study is on patients suffering from chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) and the other is on patients suffering from post-herpetic neuropathy (PHN). Preliminary data support that Scrambler Therapy, a device which treats pain via non-invasive cutaneous electrostimulation, is beneficial for the treatment of CIPN. The second abstract states, "Post-herpetic neuropathy (PHN) is common in cancer and hematologic malignancy patients. It can be debilitating and difficult to treat effectively. Scrambler therapy, a patient-specific neurocutaneous stimulation device, can be effective in treating chemotherapy induced neuropathy (JPSM 2010) and other neuropathic pain (JPSM 2012).