Canadian Nexus Team Ventures Corp. announced the appointment of Mr. Frank Lee to the Board of Directors and the appointment of Mr. Sean Cote to the Advisory Board. Mr. Lee has over 25 years of experience in the Canadian banking industry working with Schedule 1 banks and credit Unions, as well as private lenders.

Mr. Lee has extensive experience with lending and identifying business opportunities. As senior manager, Mr. Lee led his team to the top-performing branch in his region. Fluent in Mandarin and English, he has successfully established significant connections in the Asian market in Canada, and has regularly been invited as guest in the media to provide practical solutions on real estate and business financing for Canadians.

Mr. Cote will be stepping off the Board of Directors but staying with the Company by way of the Company's Advisory Board. The appointment of Mr. Cote to the Advisory Board will be the first appointment to the Advisory Board which will run for a 2-year term.