Challenger Limited announced changes to its leadership team as it focuses on meeting the needs of a wider range of customers. Challenger plans to form a new Customer division as part of its wider strategy to expand its proposition and reach more customers across a greater number of channels. This new division will encompass all customer functions for the group and will leverage the skills that currently sit across the business.

An internal and external search will shortly begin for the role of Chief Customer Officer to lead this new division. Ms. Angela Murphy, currently Chief Executive, Life will support the business in transitioning to the new structure, after which she has decided that it would be the right time for her to leave the business. Mr. Anton Kapel, Chief Financial Officer, Life and Appointed Actuary has been promoted to the role of Chief Executive, Life and Solutions and will join the Leadership Team, effective 1 June 2022.

Anton's responsibilities will encompass Life investments, Investment Solutions and Actuarial.