Chatham Rock Phosphate Limited announced that Korella MCP Pty Ltd., has taken a significant first step in its March to become the sole Australian producer of monocalcium phosphate (MCP). The first step to produce MCP is to produce the precursor weak phosphoric acid (WPA) which has just been successfully accomplished in bench scale tests at Monash University. Since early 2021, plans have been progressed by CRP to enable production of 30,000 tonnes per annum (tpa) of MCP to meet the needs of primarily the cattle industry of Northern Australia.

The severe phosphorus deficiencies in North Australian range land means that for cattle production in this extensive region supplemental feeding of phosphorus is an essential part of cattle raising and management. MCP is a soluble and palatable form of phosphorus readily taken up by all farmed animals to build healthy bones. MCP, presently 100% imported, is an essential part of all cattle lick blocks and cattle dry lick.

There are some 14 major lick block manufacturers in Queensland and NSW serving the cattle industry in the North. MCP is also the preferred phosphorus supplement for pigs and poultry. With Australia importing all of its animal feed grade phosphorus supplements of around 50,000 tpa, the development of a Cloncurry based manufacturing facility to produce 30,000 tpa will deliver a reliable quality product into a resilient supply chain.

The inputs for production of MCP of phosphate, limestone and sulphuric acid will, apart from sulphuric acid, be sourced from Korella North mine. However, sulphuric acid will be manufactured on-site utilising prilled sulphur imported from Canada.