The Board of Cosco International Holdings Ltd. announced that with effect from November 30, 2012, Mr. Xu Zhengjun, the executive director and managing director of the company, was appointed as chairman of the Corporate Governance Committee, and Mr. Tsui Yiu Wa, Alec, Mr. Jiang, Simon X. and Mr. Alexander Reid Hamilton, all being the independent non-executive directors of the company, were appointed as members of the Corporate Governance Committee; and Mr. Zhang Liang, the executive director and vice chairman of the company was appointed as chairman of the Strategic Development Committee and Mr. He Jiale, the executive director of the company, and Mr. Xu Zhengjun, the executive director and managing director of the company, were appointed as members of the Strategic Development Committee. In addition, Mr. Wu Shuxiong, the non-executive director of the company, was appointed as member of the Risk Management Committee with effect from November 30, 2012 in order to enhance the effectiveness of risk management and accordingly the Risk Management Committee comprises four directors with Mr. Zhang Liang as chairman, Mr. Wu Shuxiong, Mr. He Jiale and Mr. Xu Zhengjun as members.