Lignum House, Aldo Moro Road, Marsa, MRS 9065, Malta

T: +356 2124 2121 | F: +356 2593 3998 | E:


Crimsonwing plc (the "Company")

Announces the outcome of the resolutions proposed to the annual general meeting

Date of Announcement

22 August 2014



Listing Rule


This is a company announcement being made by the Company in compliance with
Chapter 5 of the Listing rules:
The following resolutions were approved unanimously by the shareholders:

Special Business Ordinary Resolution

1. That the Company be and is hereby authorised and empowered to make such disclosures, including disclosure of price sensitive information, as the directors may consider appropriate to enable a bona fide offeror for a substantial shareholding in the Company to make, confirm, withdraw or modify an offer for shares in the Company, subject to compliance with the terms set out in Listing Rule 5.174 of the Listing Rules.

Ordinary Business Ordinary Resolutions

1. That the Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet of the financial year ended 31st March 2014, and the Directors' and Auditors' Reports thereon, be hereby received and approved;
2. That the reappointment of Deloitte Audit Limited as Auditors be hereby
approved, and the Board of Directors be hereby authorised to establish their remuneration;
Following an election for the appointment of the Board of Directors carried out in accordance with the provisions of article 56.7 of the Articles of Association of the Company, the following Ordinary Resolutions received the required assent of more than 50% of the members present and voting at the meeting:
3. That David Walsh be and is hereby appointed as director until the Next
Annual General Meeting;
4. That Joseph Grioli be and is hereby appointed as director until the Next

Annual General Meeting;

Crimsonwing PLC | Registered in Malta: C42234

Lignum House, Aldo Moro Road, Marsa, MRS 9065, Malta

T: +356 2124 2121 | F: +356 2593 3998 | E:
5. That James Bonello be and is hereby appointed as director until the Next
Annual General Meeting;
6. That Albert Muscat be and is hereby appointed as director until the Next
Annual General Meeting;
7. That Philip Crawford be and is hereby appointed as director until the Next
Annual General Meeting. By order of the Board.

Louis de Gabriele Company Secretary

Crimsonwing PLC | Registered in Malta: C42234

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