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Crimsonwing plc (the "Company")

Announces date of Annual General Meeting

Date of Announcement 15 July 2014

Reference 66/2014

The board of directors at its meeting of the 17 July 2014 shall determine the date for the annual general meeting which is currently planned to take place on the 21 August
2014. In the event the board of directors confirms the planned date for the AGM the
shareholders on the Company's Register at the Central Securities Depository of the Malta Stock Exchange as at close of business on 22 July 2014 will be entitled to receive notice of the Annual General Meeting together with a copy of the Annual Report and Financial Statements. Pursuant to the Malta Stock Exchange Bye-Laws, the Register as at close of business on 22 July 2014 will include trades undertaken up to and including 17 July 2014.
Louis de Gabriele

Company Secretary

Crimsonwing PLC | Registered in Malta: C42234

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