Digatrade Financial Corp. has executed its anticipated Definitive Agreement ("DA") with Securter Inc., that is developing a proprietary, patent-pending credit card payment platform to significantly increase the security of online credit card payment processing. Securter technology reduces immense losses by financial institutions and merchants that arise from fraudulent credit card use and protects cardholder privacy by eliminating the distribution of personal information to third parties. With the current worldwide surge in online commerce expected to continue for years to come, the problem of credit card security is large and growing. The Definitive Agreement with Securter sets out that Securter's technology will be launched and commercialized as a Digatrade subsidiary. Securter's technology and conceptual innovations for online payment processing are numerous. They improve the financial security and privacy of all "card-not-present" (CNP) credit card transactions that are processed by participating financial institutions and merchants. Card-not-present transactions represent a large and rapidly growing proportion of all global credit card commerce due to the consumer convenience of online payments. Securter's technology has multiple elements by which to tackle mounting online losses in the credit card payment processing industry. The Definitive agreement authorizes the formation of a new Digatrade subsidiary to receive and hold all existing Securter assets and intellectual property, including existing and future patent rights of the present Securter Inc. The subsidiary will have its own dedicated management. Under the agreement, Digatrade will fund its new subsidiary up to USD 3 Million in operational financing. This will enable the subsidiary to make its technology market-ready for launch through alliances with established payment service providers and other fintech industry channels. Securter prototype research and consultation with the industry has confirmed the need for the benefits that Securter technology delivers. The international payments processing industry is actively seeking solutions for the serious problem that CNP fraud represents. Securter's better security with lower cost and improved convenience make adoption of Securter technology a natural choice for these industry partners. Securter will monetize its technology by sharing credit card transaction-fee revenue with participating processors.