This year's Electroceramics Conference will take place as an online event at TU Darmstadt.

The scientific director of the conference, Professor Dr. Andreas Klein (Department of Electronic Structure of Materials) and Dr. Jurij Koruza (Department of Non-Metallic-Inorganic Materials), at the start of the discussion panels, will report on the expertise of materials science at the TU and what challenges have to be mastered in organizing a virtual conference with over 300 participants in times of Corona.

Why are the threads for the conference coming together at TU Darmstadt?

Functional ceramics have been a focus of material science research at the TU Darmstadt for over 20 years, which is one of the leading international institutions in this field. At TU Darmstadt, more than ten working groups conduct research in materials science, chemistry, and electrical engineering and information technology with electroceramic materials. For example, work on the manufacture of lead-free materials is a world leader. The basics for this were inCollaborative Research Center 595 placed on the electrical fatigue of functional materials. The work is currently being carried out inLOEWE's focus on FLAME expanded to include materials for energy storage and high-voltage insulators, which will also play a central role during the conference.

What relevance does the topic of electroceramics have?

The applications of electroceramics include, for example, energy conversion, transmission and storage, microelectronics, communication and medical technology as well as sensor technology. Around one billion ceramic multilayer capacitors are produced every year, several hundred of which are found in every modern mobile phone. Fuel cells, Li-ion batteries, ultrasonic transmitters, frequency filters or surge arresters are inconceivable without the diverse properties of electroceramics.

The conference program includes several keynotes and scientific lectures. What research results will be presented during the conference? What debates can we expect?

Research on electrical ceramics makes key contributions to safeguarding the future by increasing energy efficiency, reducing greenhouse gases, conserving resources and avoiding toxic components. What is essential for this is an understanding of the relationships between the composition and structure of the materials and their properties, as well as the development of new manufacturing processes, about which a comprehensive exchange takes place at the conference. In addition, the connections between the various disciplines, future applications and the differences between real and online conferences will be highlighted in three panel discussions.

This year's Electroceramics conference is taking place as a purely virtual event for the first time due to the current corona pandemic. What can the participants expect? And how can the dialogue be continued in times of Corona?

The more than 300 participants will experience a standard conference program with four parallel sessions - with the advantage that you will not miss a lecture or poster, as all contributions will be available electronically. The times for the plenary sessions were set so that participants from Asia and America can be there live. After the cancellation of many conferences this year, it was particularly important to us to offer the participants the opportunity for a personal exchange and to continue the scientific discourse.

For example, our summer school, which took place for students and doctoral candidates from August 21-22, was an ideal place to network. And our digital coffee breaks form the ideal setting for appointments and spontaneous encounters in 'Digital Darmstadt'.

Jessica Bagnoli asked the questions

Electroceramics Conference

The Electroceramics Conference is one of the central international platforms for scientists to discuss the latest developments, discoveries and emerging trends in the field of electroceramic materials and applications. Among other things, it deals with the latest advances in the fields of ferroelectrics, thermoelectrics, ionic-electronic conductors, and caloric materials for energy storage and conversion. This year's conference will take place for the first time as a purely virtual event from August 24th to 28th and will be organized in cooperation withEuropean Ceramic Society (ECerS) organized.

(C) 2020 Electronic News Publishing, source ENP Newswire