Intigold Mines Ltd. has received the following update from TTAGIT Social Networks Inc. Intigold owns a 51% interest in TTAGIT. TTAGIT has worked out the business model for its peer-to-peer ticket sales application, ‘de2our'. De2our is a mobile application which allows peer-to-peer ticket sales for any event, large or small.

The focus is on making selling tickets as easy as possible. De2our is not focused on any one genre of event. It can be used for any event imaginable that requires tickets (for example, bands, art shows, sporting events, bake sales, fundraisers, parties, workshops, competitions, etc.).

Using de2our, event coordinators will be able to: select from a variety of venues in any area and book the venue; set the number of tickets and prices of tickets for their event; upload tickets and sell through a mobile application; provide free tickets to promoters; create their own ‘poster wall' for marketing (post an event poster and description, post photos, videos (youtube, vimeo), music (soundcloud, pandora), comment (ttagit comment system); verify the tickets sold with the QR reader built into the application which can scan either the QR code from the users phone or a printed email; use a bar code gun for scanning, which is suggested for larger events. In addition, event coordinators can compare event sales that they have against one another and see a tally of all events that they have posted on de2our. Multiple administrators can be added to the event with an ability to promo tickets from the application if designated.

For the de2our user, they will be taken through an activity feed builder upon sign up that will customize their activity feeds by choices of categories and locations of events. Users can buy tickets directly from the activity feeds and or they have a choice of using the poster wall. Users can comment on events before, during and after with the TTAGIT commenting system.