Care Providers Exchange Patient Files Faster with iSOFT MMS-XDS

Sharing of Information Accelerated by Standard Communication Procedures

Banbury – 12 October 2011: The latest version of the iSOFT MMS-XDS software enables faster exchange of documents and images between care providers, both within hospitals and between hospitals and external care providers. The iSOFT solution is currently in use at the Ikazia Hospital in Rotterdam, and is being rolled out in two more Dutch hospitals. Implementation at various sites in other countries is also ongoing. The first experiences show that care providers are able to share information faster.

iSOFT MMS-XDS enables care providers to quickly share materials, for example via an EPR (Electronic Patient Record). This applies to files originating from both inside and outside of the hospital, and covers all types of files. For example, MMS-XDS supports the exchange of referral letters and of images acquired by various medical imaging techniques.
In daily practice, working with iSOFT MMS-XDS means that care providers can view the shared information in the immediate context of other patient details stored in the EPR, without the need for browsing the EPR. Moreover, time-consuming tasks, such as printing referral letters prior to a consultation, searching for images in departmental systems such as PACS, or forwarding images to other care providers, are eliminated from the process.
The Ikazia Hospital, the Netherlands, is using iSOFT MMS-XDS for the exchange of cardiac images between care providers. Following the Rotterdam institution in implementing iSOFT MMS-XDS for data exchange, are two more Dutch hospitals: the St Jansdal Hospital in Harderwijk and Vlietland Hospital in Schiedam. Various hospitals abroad have also started iSOFT MMS-XDS implementation projects.


iSOFT MMS-XDS is based on the international XDS standard for cross-enterprise document sharing. The interoperability of the software has been validated at the IHE Connectathon, proving that iSOFT’s MMS- XDS software complies with the IHE requirements for data exchange. Currently, off-the-shelf connections are available for ECG and EMG images, as well as for angiograms and echocardiograms, and for referral letters as generated by the Dutch internet referral application Zorgdomein, for anesthesiology reports and for critical care nursing records. New connections are continuously being developed, covering more modalities and file formats.

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Phil Hemmings

Head of Corporate Affairs iSOFT, a CSC Company t: +44 1295 274202

m: +44 7795 290376


About iSOFT a CSC company

Headquartered in Banbury, UK, iSOFT is one of the world’s largest healthcare IT companies serving 13,000 healthcare providers in over 40 countries across five continents. Its software product portfolio is one of the most extensive available, covering every aspect of healthcare delivery and planning. These include interoperable e-health solutions that build on existing systems to maximize current investments.

iSOFT’s business is driven by the collective talent, experience and commitment of over 3,000 specialists in 19 countries. Through a global network of subsidiaries and extensive partner network, iSOFT also has substantial experience of national healthcare sectors and expert knowledge of local market needs.

iSOFT is a CSC company.